Dragan (Huggles)

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It was cold, so cold.

We had been stuck in this cable car for two hours straight, hanging 3000 feet above the ground in a snow biome. With the snow coincidentally pouring down from the skies, the coldness we felt from inside the cable car was beyond bearable, even with three layers of clothing on.

Anne and Philipp were huddled together opposite of us, trying to beat the cold and probably just finding some kind of excuse to be less than a centimeter away from each other. They were both gazing into each other's eyes like an interesting movie was playing in them. They didn't even look cold at all, for God's sake, while I was left here, shivering to my death slowly.

Note to self: never go anywhere with a couple unless you're also dating someone.

I cupped my hands around my thermo flask filled with (supposedly) hot chocolate, hoping to feel at least a little warmth through my woolen gloves. Nothing; no warmth, not at least a little radiated from my flask.

Damn, was this how I was going to die? Of coldness? With this couple practically ready to suck each other's faces off?

Not so ideal.

"Hey, peanut," Carlisle chimed up from beside me, his voice shaking a little, probably from the cold he was feeling too. I totally forgot that he was here, too much distraction from the almost porn in front of me.

"Y-Yeah?" I managed to croak out, shoving my hands into my pockets, finding what warmth was left inside of it.

"Those two over there don't seem to be cold, by hugging," He continued, gesturing to the two. "Why don't we try that? To, you know, beat the cold."

Stretching out both his arms ever so lightly, Carlisle shot me a playful smirk and raised his eyebrows suggestively. I ignored the flirty tactics that he was trying to hint at and swiftly ducked into his comforting arms.

It did feel much better, his body heat immediately keeping mine warm. It didn't feel awkward or flirty; this was normal. Carlisle was just my best friend, nothing more, nothing less. We were just really, really close friends. We could hug or whatever without having romantic intentions.

Wrapping his arms around me, Carlisle rested his head atop of mine, and let out a breath, which was still surprisingly warm, even when the weather was freezing cold. I nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck and closed my eyes. This felt good. I was finally feeling less cold and much warmer.

"Maegan?" Carlisle whispered, his breath trickling down my neck, making me shiver to the bone. Ugh, that feeling again, that stupid tingling feeling in my stomach was back again.

"Hmm?" I replied.

"Since we're going to probably die," He started out, tightening his arms around me. Weird. "why don't we have a confession time?"

I gulped. What was that supposed to mean? Confess about what? That I actually hated the fact that he acted friendly to every other girl besides me? Wait, no, that might seem like I liked him that way.

"About what?" My face burning up in heat under his touch now. What was even happening? Why do I suddenly feel so embarrassed?

"Stuff." He simply answered.

His cologne that I hated with a passion suddenly smelled so nice, so sweet, I was melting.

"I'll start first," He said, as I nodded, wanting this to end as fast as it started. It felt weird. "I love you."

"Interesting," I nodded slowly while still embracing him, until his words finally processed through my multiple crazy and complicated thoughts and into my brain. Shit. Shit, shit, shit. "What?!" I quickly pushed myself off him and stared him straight in the eyes.

"What?" I repeated, this time more calmly and steadily. Did I even hear that right? He loved me? What? No way, I must've heard wrong.

Carlisle chuckled, a breath of icy air coming out of his mouth. He patted me on the head and started ruffling my brown hair. "I said I love you, stupid, can't you hear?" He teased, showing me his signature smirk. Oh God.

"W-Well, I..." I tried to form words but nothing came out. My thoughts were a jumble. This was too sudden for me to get it in control.

Carlisle frowned, a genuinely sad frown. "I see, I get it," He mumbled, getting his hand off my head limply. What? No! That's not.. "I kind of guessed you didn't like--"

I cut him off by giving him a small kiss on his cheek. Blushing furiously, I didn't dare to look at him. "Well, I..didn't think it was mutual.." I muttered under my breath, hoping that he didn't hear any of it.

And he laughed. "Silly...what's not to love about you?" I blushed even more, my face completely red now that I swear this wouldn't go away until next Christmas. The heat was literally radiating off my cheeks, which was a good thing, but the way it was caused, not so much.

"Yes, Dragan!" Philipp shouted enthusiastically.

Way to ruin a moment.

We turned to face the couple, finally apart from each other; Philipp trying to contain his overwhelming excitement and Anne happily holding up her iPhone, camera faced at the both of us.

"Did you catch all of that, babe?" Philipp asked Anne, peeking at her phone. Anne squealed and the recording button was pressed, ending the recorded video.


"Well, at least we're probably not going to make it out alive," Carlisle shrugged casually, as if death was nothing to him. "Nobody would see that vi--"

A loud helicopter was flying towards us. Someone had came to save us. I stared at Anne and Philipp, then back at the helicopter, I didn't know whether I was supposed to be happy now.

Everyone would see that video.

"Shit," Carlisle cursed beside me.

Oh well.

So obsessed with Dragan now.

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