PhilerLie/PhilAnne (a good girl and a bad girl)

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Kimberlie and Anne were roomates, they were also the best of friends, although they were the complete opposites. Anne was a good girl, she studied everyday, was innocent, didn't swear, basically like those in the movies. However, Kimberlie, like I mentioned, was the complete opposite. She was what you called a badass, she smoked, she kicked ass, she did graffiti, has tattoos and got arrested a couple of times. You coud call her a boy, even.

One of the few common things they had was a crush on a boy named Philipp, he was a jock, though he wasn't that muscular. I know what you're thinking, Ugh, so cliche. But this was different. So different. Phiipp wasn't that 'yo, man. I just banged another chick yesterday.' guy, or in other words, a player. He seemed friendly. Seemed. They've never actually talked directly at him, they coudn't be so quick to judge.

Another thing was because of his looks, sure he was handsome, but he wasn't Francisco Lachowski handsome, but they did know some people who liked him.

Thirdly, his voice, he had a British accent and it was just so.... hot. 

Lastly, although they did have a slight infatuation with him, they valued their friendship. They woudn't get mad if one of them banged him, dated him, kissed him or talked to him. They were just.... lucky.

They were even luckier that a week later, Philipp had asked Kimberlie out. A week after, Philipp had walked up to their table at lunch and the two were giggling. "Hey, Kimberlie, I heard Insidious was out, would you like to watch it with me?" He asked, not stuttering at all. However, Kimberlie was shocked.

She wanted to say a yes, I'd love to, but her lips couldn't move. She could see Anne struggling not to laugh, but luckily, she had managed to nod. A smile lit on Philipp's face, God, wasn't he adorable? "Great. I'll pick you up later.... Hey, what's your dorm room?" 

Clearly, Kimberlie couldn't speak so Anne spoke for her. "it's 7H. Don't forget it." Anne smirked, she felt... different. Bold, maybe. Soon, Philipp left the table to do his own things. "Holy shit, dude. Did that even happen?" Kims nearly shouted, with a wide grin on her face. 

"I think it did, the Philipp had asked you out. And you were so speechless, I've never seen you speechless! Oh my gosh, it was like you had a good side!" Anne laughed and continued to tease her even more.

"Shut up." Kimberlie snapped, which got Anne to stop. "And she's back again...." she joked, which they both laughed to.

Kimberlie felt like this was the best day of her life and she never wanted it to end.

The Day Of The Date

"Are you ready, Kimberlie?" Her best friend asked, she nodded. "Well... I have to tell you something before you go on this date." Kimberlie hit her friend playfully, it wasn't a date. Just a trip to the movies.

"My name isn't actually Anne... It's Fatima and.... I nearly had sex with Philipp, we were in third base." Anne-- no, Fatima, or was it Anne? Whatever. She felt the tears streaming down her face. She expected Kimmy to be mad at her, but instead she was embraced. 

"Th-that was in high school.... two years ago. I-I was... eighteen that time." She managed to say, despite the tears. "Don't worry, Fatima. We're in college now, that was the past." Kimmy wanted to quote The Lion King, but felt like it wasn't the right time. Nor was it going to lighten the mood, good choice Kimmy.

"Oh God, I'm a mess. Don't worry about me. Have fun on your date." Anne managed to smile before she whispered something else. "And just call me Anne,"

Later, Philipp had arrived and so they left to see a movie.

After The Date

It turned out that Insidious was a horror movie, half of the time she clinged on Philipp for dear life, the other half she was laughing like she was insane. "Did you make me watch this just so I could hold onto you? You could have just asked." She teased, which made him turn red.

"H-hey, I've never seen you so scared though." He laughed and continued to talk about how she seemed so different. 

"Woud you like to stay at my place?" He offered, but she shook his head. "Nah, Anne is probably waiting for me. This was nice, though. Thanks."

While the two walked home (Philipp insisted that he'd take her home), Anne laid down on the bed thinking of the things that happened before.

The two lied down on the bed, both naked. "Ph-Philipp!" Anne screamed, he was licking her..... womanhood and it felt good. So good. She moaned in pleasure but after some time she got tired of it. "i-I feel like I should return the favor." And that's how it ended up that she was sucking his dick. 

Anne coudn't continue on what happened next. It was too embarrassing. She rolled off the bed, she wanted to feel the pain. Although she never cut, this was what she did instead. She liked her life and didn't want to end it.

Before she could stand up, someone knocked. She stood up and walked over to the door, opening it slowly as possible. It revealed Kimberlie and Philipp, holding hands. "This is Fatima-" Philipp's eyes widened as he realised what was happening.

"I-I mean..." Kimberlie tried to cover it up with something, anything, but it was too late. "Look, Fatima, I haven't forgotten about you and...." He didn't continue, just stopped there.

"I like both of you," He finally said, which shocked them both. After a few months of stalking him, they found out that he liked them. Shocker. 

"So then, who's your pick? We won't get mad. Promise." In fact, we promised that we wouldn't get mad at each other if you picked us over the other. Kimberlie thought, but pushed it away.

"i...... I pick...." he just said what he thought who he truly liked, which didn't shock the both of them.


left it there because i'm awesome. and no, i won't continue it, just imagine what'll happen next. also, i did this for fun, i never knew philerlie existed so whatever. cx (if you get confused with the I's in there, imagine someone saying the story. *cough* me *cough*)

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