CarliNa (Rude and Mean)

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Tik tik tik tik.

There goes the clock as both Hanna and Carlisle wait inside the empty and quiet room for detention to finish.

Hanna tapped her desk with her pen, impatiently, feeling a sense of awkwardness between the two of them. She moved her seat farther from him and rolled her eyes before she leaned.

"Tss, just why on earth did I end up wasting my time with this freaking bastard, beside me?" she thought to herself.

"Hanna?! Hanna?!"

She heard three familiar voices at once, shouting demo the other side of the door. "Anne, Jemma, Kimmy!"

She went to the door and pounded.

"Hanna, It's already getting dark and we can't find professor anywhere!" Marie explained.

"Yeah, he had the keys!" Aaron added.

"Carlisle, you okay in there, dude?" Elliott asked with worry.

"Y-Yeah, we're good," he replied, as he put his hands behind his head, feeling comfortable.

"Pop Cola, don't you do anything stupid or reckless with Hanna there, inside with you, are we clear?!" Lhea shouted.

"Of course I won't!" he shouted back.

"We'll find a way, guys!" Raina shouted.

"Make it quick!" Hanna demanded.

"Okay, we'll search everywhere! Don't worry, Hanna, Chocolate!" Maegan uttered before they all searched for their professor.

Hanna faced him with her nose crunched.

"Chocolate?"  she asked and Carlisle shrugged as a response.

Hanna slowly and uncomfortably went back to her seat, feeling some wild goosebumps. She just kept on tapping her pen in a rhythm when she suddenly heard the strumming of a guitar.

[Rude- Magic!]
"Friday morning I go ahead.
And put on my best smile
You with your blonde hair, the girl in red.
Admiring your style-"

Hanna gasped and turned around to see Carlisle, playing the guitar. "Oh, shut up! Don't bring that back, now!" she shouted while her cheeks turned somewhat pink.

"Knocked on your desk with heart in my hand
To ask you a question
'Cause I know that you're one retarded hen, yeah"

"I AM NOT A HEN, GOD! Stop it, Carl!"

"Can I have Ms. Dadios for the rest of my life?
Say yes, say yes 'cause I love her so"

Hanna's eyes widened and blushed. She placed her hands over her ear and shut her eyes. "I'm not listeniiiiing!"

"You say I'll never get your answer 'til the day I die
Tough luck, my love, but your answer is 'No'

Why you gotta be so rude?
Don't you know I've feelings too?
Why you gotta be so rude?-"

"La la la la la," she uttered, glancing away in awkwardness, with her hands still covering her ears.

"-I'm gonna marry you anyway..."

Hanna can't seem to calm down and can't help her self. The next moments suddenly shocked her of her own actions, unconsciously.

[Mean - Taylor Swift]
"You,"  She began singing which made Carlisle's eyes sparkle.

"-with your mouth so big,
Telling me that you love me, butterflies, sweets and rainbows."

He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "What?"

"You who keeps on stalking me again
Like I don't really see it.
You, with your lies so pale and strategies,
Calling me names when I'm wounded
You tease me when I'm weak again."

"Hey, no I don't!" He protested. Hanna stood up and walked near him.

"Boy, I know you now. That you're just mean to me.
But you don't know, what you don't know..."

She poked Carlisle's nose sassily.

"Someday I'll meet someone who truly loves me.
And all you're ever gonna be is mean"

Carlisle slightly furrowed, feeling a bit hurt and stopped strumming.

"Someday you'll see, you can't fool the shit out of me,
And all you're ever gonna be is mean
Why you gotta be so mean?"

"I'm not like that, Hanna," he said, seriously.

"Well, I don't care. It's already 6! I'm leaving." She turned away and turned the door knob but she couldn't open the door.

"I forgot... How do we..." She glanced back at him with his face still in annoyance, avoiding her gaze.

"Well, I don't know. I don't care either."

Anger was formed, written on her face. "I'm serious! How do we get out?!"

A loud thunder screamed which made Hanna shout and sit on the floor with her ears covered by her hands.

She heard Carlisle snicker. "Weak..." The lights suddenly turned off which made Hanna jump from the floor and threw her arms around Carlisle.

His eyes widened and hesitantly patted her back for comfort.

He felt how Hanna shiver and how scared she was, making him completely wrap his arms around her waist. He pulled her to the corner and sat there, with Hanna in his arms.

"Can I have Ms. Dadios for the rest of my life?
Say yes, say yes 'cause I love her so," Carlisle started singing softly, as a lullaby to calm her down.

"You say I'll never get your answer 'til the day I die....
Tough luck, my love *sighs* but your answer is-"


Carlisle was stunned, hearing that answer with her voice. "What?" he asked, looking into her eyes.

Hanna blushed at the ground and nodded her head. "I may be rude... But I really like you. You're special to me. I'm because I'm trying to cover my feelings for you."

He stayed silent for a minute before responding. "I was always mean to you... because you were always bitter with me. I thought I had no chance of winning. But I'm sorry." Carlisle removed his arms from her and glanced away. "You're special to me too, you know."

Hanna smiled and moved his face to look at her. They locked eyes and moved their heads nearer. Carlisle tilted his head, trying to reach those rosy lips when Elliott suddenly opened the door.

"YOU'RE FREEEE-- WHAT THE HECK?!" Hanna and Carlisle stopped and glanced to their friends with their eyes rounded in shame.


JN: Hope you like it! c:

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