CarliNa (Class)

128 6 4

"What. The. Fuck?" Hanna read her paper again and again, thinking that she was dreaming, but all she saw was a big fat F.

"A fucking F?! You've got to be shitting me..." she mumbled, giving herself a facepalm."I was wrong at everything, a simple True or False test..." 

Hoping she was hallucinating, Hanna scanned the paper again.

Wait, what the fuck? I'm sure I'm right at this... Hanna grabbed her notebook and started flipping through the pages. It's right... What the hell?

She closed her notebook and walked to the teacher's table, seeing him drinking a cup of coffee. "Sir, correct me if I'm wrong, but why am I wrong here? I am sure that my answers are correct." She spoke calmly as possible, but in her mind, she wanted to punch something... or someone.

The teacher, or Sir Whatever-His-Name-Is (she didn't even care to remember his name) didn't bother talking to her. He just pointed at a sentence on the paper, which said

If it is false, write true, if it is true, write false.

He gave her a smile, which she found irritating. Her blood began to boil, she clenched her fists and they turned white. "God, you're one annoying fucker," she whispered, suprisingly loud enough for him to hear. 

"Meet me after class, Ms. Lidell." Wow, annoying fucker talks. 

"Su- hold the fuck up. Did you just call me Lidell? It's Dadios."

The teacher rolled his eyes. "Sorry, I'm only human."

Hanna almost choked because of her weird laughing--which sounded like a dolphin.

He stared at her weirdly. "Sorry, human lang po," she spat. The teacher raised his eyebrows and she realized that she was speaking Tagalog.

"Ahh, shit. Sorry... sir--"

Obviously, he was losing his patience and interrupted her.

"Sir Ravensdale- it's time. Go back to your seats."

Hanna turned away and started walking. After a few steps, Sir Ravensdale called her.

"Oh and Miss Dadios?"


"Stay in class first."

Well, shit. I'm stuck with a guy who has a hot British accent. 


A/N: (I just noticed, since Philipp says J/N, if it's A/N it can be Annah's Note. Hah. :D)

Oh, I kinda know a scene that happened like this, except the student swearing and stuff. 

I'm sorry if you don't call teachers sir and stuff. In my school, we call them sir.

ALSO, there are different parts (duh) and I'm so sorry that they seem like they are friends because in my school u cant actually have a close relationship with your teacher (well if they're related to you, then okay.)


p.s. they're in college (Hanna about 20 (in other countries when they're in college they're about 20 so) and Carlisle about 25) (My gosh, the A/N is so long.)

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