PhilAnne (Help)

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"Anne, listen," my mother's concerned voice interrupted my hurried thoughts. "When they get in, I want you to turn around, cover your ears, and run, okay?" She instructed, her eyes flicking over to our front door every two seconds.

I nodded, not really paying attention. The agonizing screams and the ear-piercing gunshots that came after were what I was mainly paying attention to.

My parents each gave me a quick peck on the cheek before rushing me towards the back door. They gave me weak smiles and small assuring squeezes on both my shoulders before walking back to the front door, leaving me behind.

I lifted my hand onto the metal doorknob, letting it linger there until I heard something. Anything. As much as I didn't want to leave my parents alone, I wanted to stay alive for them. They were sacrificing themselves for me, the least I could do was continue their legacy.

The sound of the door being slammed opened echoed throughout the first floor, bouncing off from wall to wall and into my ears. I flinched, and as if on instinct, I twisted the doorknob and bolted out, my ears covered with my palms. Ignoring the shouting from the inside of my house and the loud gunshots being fired at -- I'm still hoping not -- my parents.

I squeezed my eyes shut, feeling the pain shoot through me like someone stabbing me a billion times. No, that wouldn't even compare to how much hurt I was feeling right now.

With my eyes still squeezed shut, I continued to run and run. I didn't care where I was going, or if I just ran straight towards a tree or a lamppost. Does it even matter?

World War III was a complete and utter bitch!

"Hey, you, little girl!" A hoarse, manly voice called out, sending adrenaline pumping through my veins and cold shivers down my spine. I looked up, my eyes wide open, coming face to face with a tall, muscly man with a rifle. Several man stood behind him, wearing similar uniforms and guns in their hands. I gulped.

The man pointed the gun at me, a smirk playing on his lips. "What are you doing out here this late?" He interrogated, aiming the gun so it pointed directly at me.

I sighed, already sure of my fast and probably not-so-painful death, at least I hoped so. My mind was set on dying, and frankly, I didn't mind the idea of death right now. My parents were possibly dead, lying in my house, and instead of helping them or sending myself straight to death with them, I chickened and took the easy way out.

"Are you deaf?!" The man asked, his tone filled with anger as he was ready to pull the trigger. I quickly faced away, not wanting to look at the bullet go through me.

I waited for the bullet, the sound of a gun, or something, basically anything. A gunshot did come, gunshots, to be precise, but it didn't hit me. It hit them.

Red liquid splattered all over me, the metallic smell of blood was disgusting and overwhelming my senses. I wanted to throw my guts up.

"Hey, you okay?" Another voice mumbled, but this time soother, and it seemed to come from someone of younger age. My eyes landed on three dark figures. They were all also holding guns, so I cowered away.

"No, no, you don't need to be scared," the same voice said, smiling at me, showcasing his set of pearly whites. "My name's Philipp, we're here to help!" He introduced.

I remained silent. I wasn't really one to socialize with the opposite sex. This was completely new to me. But he didn't stop.

"Oh, c'mon, don't I seem friendly enough?" He pushed, setting his gun aside, still wearing the same, assuring smile. Philipp walked towards me and poked me on the shoulder. "Earth to pretty lady? You there?" I immediately blushed at the word pretty.

Without a second though, I nodded. I didn't need this stranger to push any further to get my attention. Who knows what he might do?

He laughed, and oh God was that a laugh. It sounded like angels singing in a choir, beautiful and soothing. It calmed me.

"Now, would you come with me, pretty lady?" Philipp questioned, extending out his right hand for me to hold onto. My face turned a deep shade of red once again as I hesitantly reached for his hand and clung to it.

Who knows where he would take me?

well, wasn't this shitty. hehe, to be continued?

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