MaeRon (Sunshine)

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We were all on the beach, my friends and I. We are at the pool, takin' a dip and it was awesome. The sun was shining, the sea was warm and there was no cold air. It was awesome.

The life guards were keeping watch in case something happened and I was thankful.

Suddenly, a large wave crashed onto the beach and I was swept away. I screamed as water and salt entered my lungs, threatening my life force.

I was drowning... dying... I was dying.

"Help," I croaked weakly, as I came to the surface, before I was dragged underneath again.

"I'm going to die," I thought to myself.

Out of nowhere, I saw a ray of sunshine and I tried my best to swim towards it. 

When I managed to get half-way, the ray started coming towards me.

What was happening? Was I dead?

Then, I was out of the water, I was free. "It's okay, it's going to be fine," a voice said, and I saw that it was Aaron, the life guard. He had saved me...

I was saved, he saved me.

My own ray of sunshine.


Short I know >.< ~Anne

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