Dragan (Piano)

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((Play the video at the side if you want to :)

The video was Gone by Jin. The actors....

Let's pretend that Xiumin is Carlisle lol and th other girl is Maegan))


"Welcome, miss."

Greeted the butler as he opened the gate for the girl named Maegan. She was blind, but she knows where to find the open door of the piano school by just following the sound of the piano. It's amazing since it's her first time attending the private summer school.

As she was walking at the gardens, a boy named Carlisle saw her. He stared at her while playing the piece that he memorized weeks ago. He removed his gaze from the girl when his tutor slammed his palm on the table, surprising the poor boy.

"Focus on your piano!" the tutor scolded. Carlisle nodded silently before continuing, but still giving the girl secret glances from the window. Maegan just stared at nothing, motionless.

After a few minutes, Carlisle's session was finished. He rolled his booklet of notes and pulled out a bottle. He opened it and popped one of the contents on his mouth with style, just to show off. But he noticed something.

The girl just kept looking straight and not even giving him a glance, as if she was in a daze.

Carlisle was shocked.

"Sir, what happened to her?" he said. "Why is she looking ahead and only ahead?"

"That's none of your business, Ravensdale, now out!" the tutor demanded and pushed Carlisle out of the school, leaving him confused and clueless.

The next day, Carlisle went to the school during Maegan's session. He greeted the butler and heaved his bag up while walking towards the school. He sat at the waiting room by the door and watched the girl he saw yesterday.

"How many times, Barraza! You're doing it wrong! It's C not D!" their tutor scolded and whipped his stick on the floor. Carlisle stared at the girl whose last name must be Barraza as she kneeled down slowly and ran her hands on the floor, trying to find the pieces of candy which were located beside her. Carlisle called the butler.

"Is she blind?" he whispered to the butler and pointed at Maegan. The butler simply placed his index finger on his lips, telling him to shut up. The girl found the candies and sat back on the stool, placing the candies at the top of the piano. He stood up and tiptoed towards the girl, looking around if the tutor was near. The tutor was nowhere to be seen which is a relief. Students must not interact with one another, that's what the rule says. But, who cares? Carlisle thought. He sat beside the girl quietly.

"That's not the right piece." he commented. "Here, let me teach you." he gently held her arms and dragged her hands gently towards the right key.

"This is C." he said and played the key. "Here, let me play the piece." he said. He touched the keys, and soon he was playing the basic piece that their tutor had taught him from the first week. The girl smiled softly, enjoying the sound of the music.

Unfortunately, the tutor heard the piece. He rushed towards the room, only to find the blind girl playing the C and D continuously. Little did he know that Carlisle was hiding behind the piano. The tutor left after making sure that no one was really in there.

After a minute, Carlisle showed his upper face and smiled at the girl, even though he knows that she can't see him.

"Hey." he said and went back to the seat. He grunted and put his hand on his chest, trying to ease the building pain on his heart. He quickly pulled out the bottle and swallowed a pill.

"What was that?" she asked. "Is that candy?"

Carlisle hummed and swallowed. "Yes. Candy." he said and picked up a candy from the plate above the piano. "Here, say ahh." he said. The girl opened her mouth, and Carlisle placed the red candy in her mouth, accidentaly poking the girl's upper lip in the process. He stared at his index finger for a few moments and the girl smiled. Carlisle smiled and looked at her and back at his index finger.

And that's how their friendship started.

Everyday, Carlisle will sneak out with Maegan at the back garden and there they will talk things about each other. Carlisle looked around to see if there's no one in the garden. Then, he motioned for Maegan to follow her, forgetting that Maegan was blind, he went back and grabbed Maegan's hand, running with her towards the garden. Maegan gasped because of the tingles she felt, it was foreign, yet so..... good. It made her heart race.

Little did they know that someone was watching them.

"Do you want to know what my face felt like?" Carlisle asked. Maegan nodded.

"Reach out, and feel." Carlisle said. And that's what Maegan did. She reached out her hands and felt Carlisle's cheeks. They were so soft. Carlisle closed his eyes and felt her hands feeling his cheeks. He opened his eyes and saw Maegan, smiling at the contact and once again feeling the tingles. Carlisle reached out and held her right hand. He put her hand on his chest, his right hand resting on top of hers. Maegan felt his heart beating fast. Carlisle suddenly scrunched his face, trying not to make a sound so Maegan can't know that he's in pain. He pulled out his bottle of pills for his heart, but before he can open the bottle, Maegan's butler and Carlisle's butler dragged him far away from Maegan, grabbing his arms and dragging him away. Carlisle fought back and reached out his hand, accidentally dropping his bottle of pills.

"MAEGAN!" he shouted. "MAEGAN! Please, NO! DON'T LEAVE HER THERE! PLEASE! I WANT TO TALK TO HER! MAE--....." but he was dragged away before he can finish his sentence. Maegan kneeled, and ran her hands throught the grass. She felt the bottle of pills that Carlisle always brought with him and picked it up, placing it on her chest.

"C-Carlisle...." she whispered.

She missed him.

She missed the boy who managed to make her smile by just playing the piano. The boy who always told her stories about the world.

The boy that she fell in love with without her even noticing.

She waited there, walking, sitting, laying, and staring. She waited patiently for him. And later that night, the doorknob opened, and Maegan's heartbeat raced. She heard footsteps, and Carlisle started playing her favorite piano piece, the one that Carlisle had taught her. Maegan smiled, tears falling down her face. But before he can finish the piece, his head fell down, creating an unfamiliar tune for Maegan. Maegan stopped smiling, her heart speeding more. What happened to Carlisle? Why did he stopped playing? She thought, tears falling down faster.

"Carlisle?" she whispered.

Soon, his butler found him. Turns out that he had sneaked out in the middle of the night just to play the tune for Maegan, knowing that Maegan will wait for him. The butler quickly lifted the boy, running outside the school and alerting the ambulance. The tutor felt guilty, for he was the one who caused the sadness of the boy with a heart failure. He removed his glasses and looked down.

"Quick! We must bring young Master to the hospital! His heart is weakening!" the butler exclaimed.

This is my fault, the tutor thought. He sat down on the stool, and finished piece that Carlisle played. Maegan heard it, and smiled again. For she knew that Carlisle was okay and that he was the one playing her favorite. Little did she know that it was their tutor who played it for her sake.

"Carlisle...... I love you." she whispered and closed her eyes, letting the tears fall.

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