Philisle (Caught on Camera)

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The bell rang and almost every student stood up, every student except the two seatmates, Philipp and Carlisle.

The reason why?

Because they had detention.

Luckily, the room they were in was the detention room.

But why were they in detention? Funny story, actually. It seemed like their principal was homophobic. The reason why they were in detention was because they were kissing. And they were just joking, it wasn't even that long. Just a peck, but Mr. Martinez had caught them. Which lead them to this. But the teacher also left since it wasn't even long. Just one hour.

"You know we can just bail, right?" Carlisle suggested but Philipp shook his head. "Nah, dude. Let's not. It won't be that long. It's just one-"

Before Philipp could finish, there was a boom sound which came from the AC. "Whatever, there's still the fan. It's not that hot anyways." Philipp commented.

The two boys started to talk, but after fifteen minutes, it started getting hot and Carlisle was getting really sweaty. That's when he had enough and decided to take off his shirt.

"Woah, dude. What the fuck?" Philipp screamed like a school girl, he was an innocent teenager, although he did swear at times, he didn't have a perverted mind. "Relax, man. We're both boys, you can do it too." Carlisle chuckled.

Philipp shrugged and did what Carlisle told him, he took off his shirt. Now he felt more free and it was much more colder.

Yet it was much more silent.

Twenty minutes later, someone finally spoke. "Can I say something, Philipp?" Carlisle said.

Philipp jumped, slightly surprised. "Uh-oh sure." 

"I... really like you and not as the friend way." Carlisle quickly said, facing away. Philipp gaped at him. He couldn't believe this was happening.

Honestly, Philipp liked Carlisle back, so his o shaped mouth was now a smile. "Me too, now face me." Hesitantly, Carlisle looked at Philipp.

And Philipp leaned forward.

*25 minutes later*

By twenty-five minutes, both of them only wore their boxers. Although they were just kissing, they both felt like they should get to the next stage.


"Carlisle, are you sure about this?" Philipp asked, "Don't worry. It's just you and me." Exactly after Carlisle finished, there was a click sound and later a flash.

"And us!" Someone shouted, they both knew that voice. "Hanna?!" Carlisle said, panicked. "Hey, not just her." Another voice.

"There are also more than two people." and another.

"Oh my god, did you actually take a picture?" and another,

"Not just that, but a video." and another.

People started to talk, the two boys however, they're faces were both bright red, just like a tomato. "Hey, (laugh) you should... pffft... leave now, one hours f-finished." Aaron said between laughter.

Philipp and Carlisle nodded, "Kay." They wore their clothes again, grabbed their bags and went outside. "Wait, we just cock-blocked them." Kimberlie realised.

The girls started to laugh, "They were also caught on camera. Maybe I'd post this in FaceBook..."

Let's just say that that day was the most memorable day in their years of college.


okay so it ended up me and annah wrote this, annah writing the first half and then me writing the later. 

Sorry if it's short and seems weird. We planned to do smut but we couldn't write smut in this. xD

also, we don't know carlisle and philipp's ship name. so yeah... (Now we do, thanks Mari and Lhea.)

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