PhilAnne (Wedding Booth)

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"Anne!!!!" Lucy squealed once she saw her. Anne waved at her.

It was their first day of the Foundation Day, and she was walking close to the wedding booth. Lucy is a member of the Student Goverment, which is the host of the booth close to Anne. She looked at Lucy, smiling like a creep, her eye twinkling like an anime girl.

"Lu...?" she nervously gulped. She felt something grab her shoulders and a red silk wrapping her upper body.

"What the hell?!" she screamed.

"We got Anne! We got Anne!" they chanted. Then, she was carried towards a place that she doesn't know, but she was thinking that it was....

"Welcome to the marriage booth!" Yep, the marriage booth.

The silk was removed, and she saw all her friends, and some students, sorrounding her and someone beside her. She looked to her side and saw Philipp, her crush. He was rubbing the back of his neck nervously, and she swear she saw a light shade of pink on his cheeks.

"I'm so happy for you, Philipp!" Carlisle laughed, Philipp glaring at him.

"Shut up."

"Oh my, the king will have a queen!" Lhea teased, wiping her fake tears while holding on her 'technically-biological brother' on his arm, trying not to fall on the ground because of their laughter. They silenced themselves once the 'priest' (or should I say.... Elliott in a priest costume) went in front of them. Anne was wearing a wedding veil, while Philipp wore a necktie.

"Today, we're here to witness Anne and Philipp's 'wedding'." Philipp glared at his two companions, who are snickering. It was their fault why he was here on the first place, trapping him in a red silk and carrying him all the way here. While on the other side, Marie, Maegan, Hanna, Raina, and Jemma are grinning at the two. They all know that Philipp and Anne like each other, but they were simply oblivious to even see that.

"Did any of you want to... yanno, disagree on this wedding?" Elliott asked. Silence was heard.

"You may continue, father." Lucy winked at Anne.

"Uhh... okay. Do you, Anne, take Philipp as your 'husband'?" he said and grinned at her.

"Say yes, say yes!" her friends, even the students who passed by, chanted.

"I got no choice.... um... I-I do?" she said quietly. Elliott nodded and continued.

"Do you, Philipp, take Anne as your husband?" he said in an old man's voice.

"I do." Philipp smiled, making Lhea, Carlisle, and the rest of the gang gasp. Did he really said that with confidence?

"Well, ring bearer!" Elliott announced. Aaron walked beside Elliott, holding a box with a pair of - obviously - plastic rings.

"Now listen here, I know they are fake, but remember, that rings will be silver or gold years later." Elliott chuckled and got the rings from the box. Philipp took one and slipped it on Anne's pinky and Anne did the same to Philipp.

"And I now announce you, husband and bride!" Elliott cheered. "And you may kiss the bride!"

"Do I really need to do this?" Anne asked and stared at Elliott and Lucy.

"Of course! It comes with the package!"

"But, Philipp get to choose where he want to kiss you. Either the hand, cheek, nose, forehead, or lips." Lucy grinned.

"W-What?" Philipp stuttered, which earned a "Yes!" from Carlisle.

"Lips, lips, lips." Lhea chuckled.

"Where do you want to kiss her?"

"This is awkward...." Anne muttered, blushing and looking down. Philipp looked at her, his heart beating fast while looking at her adorable face. He thought for a moment, before lifting her chin up and kissing her forehead.

"Yiiiiiiieeee!!!!" all of them squealed. Anne blushed even more, and stared at Philipp, who is smiling at her.

"You know what?" Philipp whispered and leaned to her.

"I..... I like you, Anne."

"FINALLY! ABOUT TIME!" Carlisle and Lhea said in unison, high fiving each other.

Anne smiled, and kissed his cheek.

"I like you too, Philipp."

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