MaRyon (Saviour)

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Running. I was running as fast as the wind.

"HEY! Come back!" the voices yelled. "We only want to play," they said, mocking me.

If I didn't get away, who knows what they would do to me and- I shuddered- my body.

"We'll be nice, it won't hurt a bit," they cooed.

There was absolutely no way I would give in. I didn't remember much of how I got here but I remember getting drunk at the bar and then...they came and wanted to do horrific things to me.

Screaming and out of breath, I headed towards the city, I needed to get away from this jungle. Suddenly, I stumbled and fell on my face.

I scrambled up and immediately, white-hot pain shot up my leg. I clutched it and moaned. How was I supposed to run now? 

"There she is!" the voices said.

"No," I whispered, weakly.

"Well, well, well," said the tall one. "Look what a prize we have today!"

"Let me go, you'll never have my soul," I croaked.

"You'll never have my soul," the other one mimicked. 

They were demons and they wanted to sacrifice me to the Gods. They wanted to extract my soul...

"Pick her up, we'll torture her before taking her soul, it'll be fun," the leader boasted. 

Just as they were about to pick me up, a shadow darted across the forest floor. The demons tensed and the tallest one yelled an order in a secret language. They picked me up and started running.

They weren't fast enough because the Shadow got closer and in a flash of black and grey, the demons were gone; turned into dust.

"Are you hurt?" a kind and gentle voice asked. The moon shone on his face and I saw that he was a boy with a sword.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine," I said, trying to get up but that was a mistake because pain gripped my leg and I cried out. 

"They hurt you," he murmured before everything turned dark and I was consumed in it. 



"Hey, you had a pretty bad broken leg," I said, as she opened her eyes.

"W-where am I?" she struggled to remember.

"I'm Ryon and I saved you from demons who wanted to kill you," I tried to explain. 

"Who are you?" she asked.

"I told you. I'm Ryon." 

"What are you?"

"I'm a demigod," I said.

"Oh," she said softly. "Thanks for saving my life," she added.

"You're welcome," I replied. "You should probably stay here for a while before heading out to...y'know the world," I added sadly. I never got company and it was cool to have someone understand.

"Thanks..." she replied. 

To be continued?

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