CarliNa (shut the fuck up)

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lowercase intended

dear diary,

there's this boy in my class, who i want to walk up to, grab him by the colllar, look at him in the eyes and whisper...

"shut the fuck up."


hanna walked to her classroom and sat down on her chair. she sighed, it was another boring day here in school. her friends were in different classes and behind her were four obnoxious boys who'd talk about girls and wouldn't give a shit about the lesson, especially the one behind her. the one who would speak the most.

she had always wanted to tell them to shut up, but hanna was too shy. she'd be afraid that they'd have some rude come-back and she wouldn't be able to come up with one and that they'd talk about her with their other friends.

but today was a different day, the four boys had always come into this class together, instead, it was the one behind her. instead of laughing and talking with the group, he had his hands in his hoodie's pocket, a red earphone bud inserted in his left ear and he was whistling. whistling.

"stop it..." she mumbled to herself, luckily, the boy didn't hear her and he sat down on his seat. where's your gang? the brunette wanted to ask, but she didn't have the courage to. instead, she looked behind him, seeing that he was looking at her.

"what?" he said bitterly.

hanna's face was now red, embarrassed, the girl looked away. "i-it's nothing." she stuttered. obviously, he was unconvinced, hanna could tell even if she wans't looking at the boy. "it's just... umm, where's your... your group?" hanna struggled to find the correct words, afraid that she would offend him.

instead, the boy chuckled. "they decided to ditch, but i had something to do here, something... important." his tone switched, which made hanna feel uneasy.

"oh, um, i don't know your name, so would you mind telling me it? mine is hanna."

"no," he answered and smirked. "just joking, my name is carlisle. yes, i know, just like the one in twilight. don't even say it." he continued. hanna smiled widely. they continued to talk, nothing important actually. they didn't have many common interests and sometimes even fought about which was better, fall out boys or panic! at the disco. 

sadly, class had to start and hanna actually payed attention in class, but carlisle didn't, so sometimes he'd tap her shoulder and she'd ignore him, one time, he had even kicked her leg. she silently yelped so that the teacher didn't hear her, but she continued to ignore him.

"hanna, hanna, hanna....." he sing-songed, extremely annoyed, hanna turned around and said a what.

"nothing." he snickered, hanna rolled her eyes and faced the teacher. silently wishing math would end.

that time skip though

"so, what happened with the one who you always wanted to say shut up too?" maegan, her friend, asked. "shut the fuck up," kimberlie corrected. maegan rolled her eyes, "what's the difference?" 

"well, she keeps on talking about it so you should have memorized it by now. god, guys, the people behind me are like, sooooo annoying. but you know what? the guy behind me is the most annoyingest. like, he won't fucking shut up about this thing and that thing." kimmy imitated hanna, making her voice lower than her actual one.

"you know i don't even talk like that, besides, annoyingest isn't even a word." hanna noted, maegan and kimmy rolled their eyes. "anyways, tell us what happened."

"it was weird, i was actually talking to him and not about shutting up, but like normal people. his group wasn't even with him. it was just him, i didn't feel like telling him to shut up anymore, it's so weird." she explained.

the group continued to eat and they're other friends started sitting down at their table, mostly since their class just ended. they talked about anything, they're teachers, they're annoying classmates, the mean bitches in the school, personal stuff and other things.

when it ended, they stood up and left. hanna noticed something at the corner of her eye, carlisle's group walked to her. maegan was talking in a rush, saying that her crush, aaron was walking over. she could hear their footsteps, they were getting louder and they were closer. finally, someone tapped her shoulder. "hey, hanna." carlisle greeted.

"oh, hi." she replied, smiling. carlisle and his friend started whispering, "yeah, that's her."

"holy shit, dude."


"top of the morning."

"oh, hanna, these are my friends. elliott-" carlisle pointed at the boy wearing a red, plaid shirt. "aaron-" aaron was beside elliott, and they looked like each other, only that elliott was a bit taller than aaron. aaron was wearing a plain blue long-sleeved shirt. so this was the aaron maegan kept on fangirling about... hanna thought.

"and this is philipp," philipp was wearing a black hoodie which had mickey mouse's gloves that did the middle finger. how was he even allowed to wear that to school? hanna asked herself, but the question was left unanswered.

"um, is that all? cause i-we really need to go to class," maegan quickly said, "okay, bye." the two groups waved at each other and parted ways. 

after school

hanna ran to her house, panting and huffing. she felt like someone was following her but she just wanted to get out and into her room, where she could have her me time.

she opened the door to her house, "i'm home, mom! i won't be eating dinner and i'll be in my room if you need me!" she shouted, rushing to her room upstairs.

when she got inside her room, hanna grabbed her notebook under her bed, only to see it wasn't there.

when she got back up, she saw carlisle, holding the book, "dear diary, there's this boy in my class, who i want to walk up to, grab him by the collar, look at him in the eyes and whisper...." he read aloud, smirking. he didn't continue reading, instead, he closed the book and faced the blushing girl. "shut the fuck up." the blushing girl shouted.

"excuse me, what?" carlisle asked, completely flustered.

"that's what it says in the next part. not an i love you, you bastard. how dare you fucking look at my diary you asshole. shit-face. fucktard. piss-hole." hanna was angry, she just continued to swear at him and wouldn't stop.

after sometime, carlisle left, jumping off her window. hanna sighed and grabbed her journal. she started to write whatever was on her mind.

dear diary,

remember the latest entry?

i no longer feel like that now.

now i want to talk normally with him, but he can be a pain in the ass and i still sometimes wish that he'd shut the fuck up.


a.n: So, it was me, Annah writing this. I don't even know why I wrote/typed this in lowercase, I just realised when I finished writing and was too lazy to capitalize them. So, yeah. Bye.

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