Philisle (Oops!)

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Philipp leaned against his locker, watching the two lovebirds before him go into a full-on, tongue-on-tongue make out session. He gagged and coughed uncomfortably beside them, trying to tell them to not showcase their love in front of him, especially if Philipp couldn't keep the overthrowing jealousy inside of him down.

Yeah, Philipp had feelings for Carlisle. He didn't need to know and he probably never would, Philipp never planned on telling. After all, Carlisle already had a girlfriend who had everything and they seemed to be madly in love with each other.

Finally, the two lovebirds pulled apart to catch some air. The uneasy feeling inside Philipp died down and he made a fake puking noise at the couple. Helena giggled at his small antics as Carlisle shrugged and let his arm wrap around his girlfriend's waist.

The feeling started to grow again. Shit, Philipp fucking jealous of Helena. He wished he could be in her place right now, having Carlisle's arms around him and that annoying smirk on his face that Philipp would love to wipe off with a kiss.

"Hey, babe," Helena cooed at Carlisle, snuggling her face into the crook of his neck.


"I need to stay back for choir practice, you two head home without me," She informed, casting a quick glance at Philipp.

"Sure," Carlisle replied, giving Helena a long-lasting kiss that made Philipp feel that unbearable feeling again.

"See ya, Helena," Philipp mumbled gloomily, lifting his hand up as an attempt for a small wave. Carlisle quickly caught up with Philipp, nudging him in the arm, which no doubt had sent a million tingly feels around his body.

They both walked home in complete silence, with Carlisle listening to some music, air drumming to the beats and Philipp awkwardly walking beside him, not knowing what to do.

Although he was extremely happy that he was finally alone with Carlisle without that nagging bitch called Helena clinging to him like he was her lifesaver and she was in a 2-meter deep pool.

"Hey, want to stop by my place? I still don't understand that Maths question back in class." Carlisle finally spoke up, lifting an earpiece up.

Philipp, totally taken aback, just nodded, his mouth gaping open with awe. He seemed calmed on the outside, but in the inside he was bursting with joy, the butterflies starting to form in his stomach.

They were both seated in the living room, the distance between them only a few centimeters as Philipp started explaining some Algebra and Carlisle jotting down notes.

Philipp couldn't help but notice how close Carlisle's face was, and he blushed a beet red. His eyes flickered down and he stole a glance at Carlisle's lips; so kissable, so what Philipp wanted on his own lips right now.

And that was what he did.

Turning Carlisle's head to the side so that they were facing each other, Philipp smashed his lips against Carlisle's.

Carlisle's eyes widened for a second, but he quickly got into the kiss. He deepened it, tangling his hands into Philipp's hair. He pushed Philipp down onto the carpeted-floor, making him on top.

Breaking the kiss, Carlisle gave Philipp a puzzled look. "What was that for?!" He shouted, starting to panic.

Philipp went steel cold, thinking that Carlisle was probably judging him by now, not wanting to be his friend anymore. He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out, he didn't know what to say. What are you supposed to say when you just kissed your best friend?

"Why didn't you do it earlier?!" Carlisle shouted, wearing his signature smirk on his face.


Carlisle bent down, leaned forward a little and kissed Philipp. This time it was Carlisle who started the kiss, and that was enough to shock Philipp.

Why did he--?


Does he--?

A million questions flowed through Philipp's mind, but he decided to keep his focus on the heavenly kiss he was having right now. Carlisle's lips felt soft and gentle against his own lips. The kiss was just perfect, more perfect than all the times Philipp had imagined it. (*coughs*)

Just as Carlisle was about to take a step forward for a French kiss, they were interrupted by the sound of bags dropping onto the floor. Both of them quickly scrambled up into their normal sitting positions.

"What were you guys just doing?" Helena questioned, her voice rushed and in a completely higher tone than normal.



i was going for smut but my mum was watching me and it was sO UNCOMFORTABLE.

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