Jemmiott/Jelliott (I Love You)

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College finished three years ago and all my friends had gotten married. Everyone except Kera. We were known as "The Single Pringles." The name was cute but it did make us realise that we needed to get dates.

Kera and I were also the weird bunch. We were complete polar opposites; she loved quiet, classical music whereas I loved dubstep and listening to Martin Garrix death metal. She loved north, I loved south, she loved reading, I loved skateboarding. We were like chalk and cheese!

  But we set aside our differences and became the best of friends. A few years after College, we were both twenty-six and we were falling in love slowly and steadily. We went out, had a few dates and we had a great time together.

A month after that, I had to tell her – I loved her. So I proposed!


Elliott was acting all strange and weird that day. He kept fidgeting with his hands. He kept looking at the watch.

"Is someone after you?" I joked.

"No...why?" He asked.

"'re just acting as if you're going to kill something or someone," I laughed and he cracked a smile –finally.

After it was ten o'clock, he led me to his car and we drove around Paris, wandering among the busy streets. "Is there a special reason that you took me here?" I asked him. He smiled mysteriously and led me towards the Eiffel Tower.

We went up the lift to the highest floor and I realized that there was no one there.

"Elliott, did you book this entire top floor?"

"Anything for love," he smiled and I kissed him.

A few minutes passed by; we kept talking about things and then suddenly, Elliott looked at his watch. I glanced at mine and saw that it was 12 am. I smiled to myself.

What happened next surprised me.

Elliott got down on one knee and said, "Kera, I love you and promise to love you until I die and you're the best friend that I always wanted. I want to spend my life with you. I love your smile, your jokes and your beautiful laugh...Kera, I've known you my whole life and there's no one I'd rather ask this question more than you... Will you marry me?"

With that, he opened a small black box with a Satin ribbon on it. He opened it and there was a beautiful white ring in it. Engraved on the inside were the following words: "I Love You."

I kissed him and fireworks erupted all around us. I wiped away my tears and whispered, "Yes."

He kissed me again and all my dreams came true


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