CarliNa (Happy Halloween)

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"Ooh, what if I wear this?" She threw clothes in every direction from her closet."No, where the freak is it?!" She kept on digging some mote, trying to find something for hours. "Annah!"

She called out, as she left her room. "Have you seen my Alice in wonderland cos-" Her jaw dropped as she spot her sister with the costume that she was looking for. "That's mine!" ,

Annah pouted and hugged herself. "I'd like to borrow this for today's Halloween party!" She pleaded. "But..." "Don't worry, you can have Mad Alice! She looks cooler, you know? Just the way you like it."  My teeth were still gritted and my fists still tight, but I gave in.

"Tss, fine fine." I quickly ran towards my room since the party is about to start. I just straightened my hair since its already black and put on the dark blue dress with matching black shiny boots. I put on my make up. Of course the mascara and eyeliner on my eyes with lip gloss. I put fake blood on the bottom part of my eyes until it runs down my cheek, some near my lips, and mostly stained on my dress. There was also fake blood on my vorpal sword. This wasn't so bad, after all.

I made a little spin, looking at my own reflection before running of with my purse. "I'm off, nigas!" I somewhat tripped with this damn heels on fine and I heard Annah laugh behind me. I rolled my eyes and just walked out of our apartment.  "Hanna!" I heard Jemma call and turned around to find her in her Rapunzel costume. "Hey!" And my other girlfriends also popped out with their own costumes. [JN: comment your costumes, guys xD] "Ooh, nice costume!" Kimmy squeaked and I smiled, wrapping my arms with hers. "Thanks! Ready for the trick or threat, guys?" We all grinned. "Totes!"


We got so many candies from the neighborhood and the party haven't started yet. Now, I'm stiffened to death, finding my way out of this fucking horror house that we went in a couple of minutes ago. I tremble, trying to walk normally, acting all brave and strong. "M-Maegan? Anne? R-Raina?!" Oh god, let me out of this thing, it's no longer funny. "AAAAAAAAAGGGHHHHHH" Some whitelady did a jumpscare which shocked the hell out of me causing me to punch her in the face and I ran faster than I could imagine, passing more scary shit and my hands uncontrollably made their was to wrap around a post or something in astonishment. My legs shook and my knees weakened. I heard and felt the fast beating of something against my ear. Oh god, no. I knew it. I was holding onto someone but I was too scared to look for who it is or what does he look like. It might scare my guts off. "Meep!" I squeaked, as I felt a cold hand on my shoulder. "Aaaaaagh! Stay away from me!" I tried to struggle away but it was already holding my shoulders. "Hanna," "Go awaaaaay!" I tried pushing it but it won't move. There were creepy noises and I got scared again so I hugged the one in front of me again. "Hanna,"

Who the freak is this and why does it know my freaking name?! Still hugging him, I slowly and hesitantly looked up to see a guy, wearing a mask. I don't know why but I was too scared so I screamed and jolted away. I felt my heels clicked and 'weepee' I fell down and sprain my ankle. "Ow!" I heard a deep sigh behind me and dragged my butt from it as it came closer. "Idiot." It stopped in front of me, grabbed my boots and carried my bridal style, making me blush. "H-Hey! Put me down! Who are you?!" I furrowed my eyebrows to look at him better. His mask was covering his eyes so I can't tell who. But he was too pale and had that pointy nose of his. His lips were cracked, slightly opened as he faced our way. "Just shuddup." My eyes flutter as I went to dream land. Such a sweetly... "Agh!" A fake skeleton scared me but he quickly kicked it away.  I looked at the surroundings and bit my lip, wrapping my arms tighter. "They're not even real, you're just over reacting." I glared at him.

"Am not!"

"Are to."

"Just put me down if my screams are hurting your damn ears, then!" I felt him shrugged.

"No can do."

"Why not?"

"Do you wanna stay here cause of your injured foot and die in terror or what?"

"No, sorry." I quickly burried my head onto his neck and closed my eyes tightly as I felt him taking steps. I felt his thumb rubbing the side of my stomach which made me feel awkward.


I saw colorful lights and I sighed in relief knowing that we're already out. He gently placed me on top of a huge pumpkin and placed my boots beside it. Pulling his pants up, he crouched down and held my foot.

"Hey! What are you doing?!"

"Does it hurt?"


While he was massaging my foot, I had the chance to look at him some more. He's tall and he was wearing a dark mad batter costume.... wtf.


I picked up my boots and. Turn around, still crouching down. "Now climb up." He looked back at me as I slowly wrapped my arms around him. I felt his freezing hands, grabbing my bare thigh which made me gasp. "Hold on,"  He started walking While I gave him directions towards the party. His feet started moving faster, feeling the droplets falling from the sky. I sneezed. I saw him took his hat off, from behind and placed it on my head. My whole body heated up But I just sighed it off. 'You'll be fine, Hanna. You'll be fine. Get it together.'

"I guess we're here." I snapped and realized that there were already a crowd of people in costumes, dancing by the rhythm and those colorful lights. "Hanna! Where have you been?!" Lhea suddenly cried. I looked at where the voice came from and there, at a table were my friends and they waved at me. I waved back before taking another glance back at him. "Um..." I rubbed the back of my neck, staring at the ground and back up at him. "Thanks." For the first time, I saw him smile and I stood there for a minute in realization. I saw him turn his back at me and starts walking away but I stopped him. "Carlisle!" He stopped at his tracks and turned his head to me.

I walked nearer, took his mask off and smiled. "I knew it." He just blinked and turned away, blushing. I chuckled at his reaction. "Here you go." I said, giving him back his hat and he gave my boots as well. Trying to act normal and making sure that no one's looking,  with full hesitation, I stood on my toes and pecked his cheek. I saw his eyes rounded and his mouth slightly opened. He snapped himself out of it and grinned. "Well, I should probably go." He took his hat off and bowed. "Happy Halloween, Alice." I rolled my eyes and giggled. "Happy Halloween, Hatter."

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