DraGan (Pizza)

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"Chocolate!" I shouted, hiding a jar of nutella behind me. "Chocolate!" I kept running, finding him everywhere in the campus. "Carlisle!"

I saw him standing there as he turned around with a grin. "Peanut!" He extended his arms and I jumped in for a tight hug. "I missed you So much!" "Me too!" I pulled away and covered my face with the jar. He gasped and took it off my hands. "Hey! Now fair!" Carlisle put down the jar and pinched my cheeks. "Don't worry, I have something for you, anyway."

He pulled out a box of pizza from his backpack and I smiled. "Aaw. Eat it with me. I know you have a lot to tell me from your trip!" He flashes his pearly white teeth. Oh, that smile really wants me to melt. "Boop"

He poked my nose which startled me. "What?" I asked unconsciously and he laughed. "Done day-dreaming?" My cheeks heat up and nudges him.

"Hey, hey! I have something to share!" "What is it?" Carlisle took a bite of his pizza. "I saw Aaron today and he waved at me!" I squeaked, eyeing the ceiling, dragging my mind back t that moment. I heard him choke and looked at him.

He started pounding his chest which worried me. "Choco?"

I rubbed his back and he just raised my palm at me with a smile, signing me that he was okay.  I saw pain in his eyes and a fake smile.

'Was he hurt?'

Wait, why did that suddenly popped in my mind?! "I'm fine..." there was an awkward silence but soon, I figured away to cut it. "Tell me what happened for the past few weeks!"

He grinned and rubbed the back of his neck. "Well," I grinned, waiting for an interesting story of his journey. "It was typically fun. Remember the girl I was having a crush on? She said she likes me too." His eyes were still, flashing back his memories.

I felt weird as my heart dropped. "Oh..." I stared at the ground. "Pea?" He tilted his head at me and I quickly rose my face. "So you guys are a couple now?"

For some reason, Carlisle end up laughing which annoyed me. "You never change." "Tell me!" I pleaded, with my puppy eyes. "Well, no. I think I want someone who I know better.

Someone who I really wanna cherish. And I wanna keep her safe. Like a peanut in its shell." I blinked. "Like a what?" His eyes rounded and took another bite at his pizza. "You want pizza?"

I pouted. "No..." I saw him frown, staring right into my hazel eyes. "Why?"

I looked away, and placed the pizza on the plate. I grab the bar of nutella and rested my chin on it. "...I like Chocolate more."

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