Chpt. 13 (Sleep Is Nearly Impossible Nowadays)

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Sans seemed to stiffen when you said that you remembered. "Uh, K-Kid, what all do you remember?" There was too much to tell him. You didn't want to leave out anything if you told him, so you just said,"Everything." It it was silent for a few minutes until Sans finally said,"You really should get back to sleep, (Y/N). We have a whole day in front of us." He started walking away when you then tugged on his sleeve. "Can you stay with me for now?" His face blushed a light blue. "Sure, but you have to repay me." You were curious to what it was. "What do I have to do?" He smiled while saying,"You have to sleep with me every night. Deal?" You grinned. "Deal." It was worth it in the end. You didn't feel alone or scared with him there. You could've stayed there for your whole life laying in bed with him. You didn't even sleep. You were just laying there with your eyes closed. You were awake all night. It felt like weeks had passed when it was only a few hours. You awoke from your daze and checked the time. 9:34 am. Your stomach growled as you tiptoed from your spot on the bed. As you were heading out you heard someone say,"(Y/N)?" You turned around. You saw Sans with his eye emitting blue smoke. "Oh no." You knew that Sans was having a nightmare. It didn't end too good for you last time you were in the same room as him while he was having a nightmare. You stayed with him anyway. You cautiously approached him. "(Y/N)?" You took a step forward. "Where's Papsss?" You took another step. "Whadya' do? What'swith that expression, my pretty girrl?" UM.... "What  do yyou mean?" You stepped forward again. "(Y/N)?" You were close to reaching him, but you couldn't be too careful. "(Y/N)." You reached out to his shoulder, but quickly took it back when he said,"(Y/N)," in a louder tone. You extended your hand out to him again. He started breathing heavily. "(Y/N)!" He shot up and his left eye combusted with an enormous blazing, blue flame. You jumped at the sudden burst of movement. You had ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA WHAT IN THE WORLD TO DO. You decided that you should tell him some puns. "Hey, Sans? You alright? You're really ratting my BONES here." He looked up at you with tears in his eyes. "Heh." You sat next to him. "TIBIA honest, I don't know what to do in this situation. I just know that I'll be here for you through every RESET." You gripped his hand tightly. "Thanks, (Y/N)." He stood up. "I'll just go get something for breakfast, wanna come with?" You hopped off of the bed. "Of course." You two didn't break your grip on one another's hand for a few minutes. You both didn't know what to eat. There was nothing that was easy to make that was breakfast food. You suddenly came up with a brilliant idea and a pun to go with it. You grabbed some bread, milk, chocolate syrup, butter, marshmallows, and something that seemed to be a substitute for bacon down here. You seized the glass cups, paper plates, napkins, and a small bowl.  You put the butter in the bowl and melted it in the microwave. While waiting for the butter to melt, you put the bread in the toaster. You cooked the "bacon". You caught the toast as it launched into the air. You poured the butter on the toast and sat the pieces on the plates. You poured the chocolate syrup on the toast and put the marshmallows on the toast too. You put the "bacon" on the bread. You put the other piece of toast on it. It was called the LEGENDARY FART MASTER'S SANDWICH! You cut the sandwich in half. "Here's your SANSwich, Sans! You can put ketchup on your half if you want." He laughed at your joke and volitionally took a bite of your sandwich. "Oh my gosh...(Y/N), THIS IS DELICIOUS!" "Haha! I was hoping so!" You two gobbled up the food and set out to Undyne's house. Papyrus was already there since he was supposed to train today. You happily took a shortcut with Sans and arrived at her front door.

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