Chpt. 20 (Suprise, Suprise!)

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Yay! Chapter twenty! Figh five! :)

The next weeks went by slowly while you attempted to walk as good as you used to. You were starting to get better and better each day. You soon were a pro at walking. You spent most of your time around Sans. He made sure that you were never bored while recovering. You hung out with your friends a lot. You spent the night at Undyne's, finally met Mettaton, laid around with Sans, recalibrated puzzles with Papyrus, did stuff with Monster Kid, read manga with Alphys, and helped out around Snowdin. You donated money the the librarby to get the sign fixed. You also took a shift at Grillby's and had to wear a stupid outfit where the skirt that they had was short. Sans humiliated you so much because he slapped your butt when you were working. You punched him that day. He deserved it. You did a lot of good in the snowy town. What was weird was that nothing about Chara had come up. You didn't even hear the voices in your head. You had been so happy those few weeks. (Let's stop talking about the past weeks now.) You strolled down the path to Undyne's place. She said that she had a surprise for you. You shivered. This was the worst day for weather this week. A gust of wind blew your (h/c) hair in your face. You couldn't see a thing. The snow blew into your eyes. You saw a blurred outline of someone in the distance. You couldn't tell who it may be. You lumbered towards the figure. "Who? Who are you," you called out to them. They walked forward. You could see who it was. You should've know. It was a while that you'd seen that devil. Chara said,"Brrr. Aren't you cold! You must be so miserable! Hehe! Oh, how I love to see you suffer!" "What do you want, bitch?" "Well, I'm not really sure," she shrugged,"it only matters if you accept my offer or not." You shook your head. "No. I've got someone to see, asshole. Go fuck yourself." She covered her mouth. "My, what language! Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?! Oh, I forgot! You killed your mom! Boo hoo!" Your cheek twitched. "Don't talk about them, you bastard." She kept ridiculing you. "Your dad would have appreciated this, too! What about Joseph? I'm sure that he would be laughing his little head off!" You pretty much lost it. You tacked her and held her throat. "I will kill you if you say their names again!" "Yeah, right! You could never kill me! I'm your best friend after all! It's strange. You kill everyone else down here including Sans, but you don't kill me." Your cheek twitched again. "Don't fucking say that!" You held your fist up, about to punch her. You realized what you were doing and got off of her while putting your arm back to your side. She laughed. "Hahahahaha! I told you! You can't even bring yourself to hurt me!" "No, that's not the reason. I stopped because I knew that if I started, I wouldn't be able to quit and I would've ended up killing you. If I were to kill you, I would've been scum like you." You got up and kept started walking like nothing had happened. "But you can't just leave like-" "Shut the fuck up, Chara. You just talked about my beloved family members. I spared you. I could've given you a bad time. Consider it as a warning, sleaze ball." You put you hands in your pockets and walked away. About an hour later, you had finally reached Undyne's house. You knocked on the door. "Hello? Is anyone there?" The door was unlocked. You decided to let yourself in. The lights were off in her house. When you put a foot in the door, the lights suddenly turned on. All of your friends jumped out and yelled,"Happy Birthday!" You put your hands to your mouth and started crying tears of joy. Sans walked up to you and said,"Was this too much?" You hugged him. "Thank you." You broke apart, wiping tears away. "I just haven't had a birthday party in forever. I completely forgot about me ever having a birthday." Undyne jumped over to you. "I didn't know that it was your birthday, (Y/N)!" She pulled you into a hug, takin the air out of you. Papyrus hopped over. "Human! Happy Birthday! This was the first time that anyone has ever mentioned this to me!" Alphys shyly walked to you. "Y-yeah! I hope that your h-having a good one." Mettaton sauntered to you. "Darling, I wish you a happy birthday." He pointed to you with his fabulous legs. Nabstablook floated over to you. "Sorry that I didn't wish you a happy birthday sooner. Sorry." You laughed. You spent rest of your day eating cake and chilling with your group of friends.

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