Chpt. 31 (Never Getting Sleep)

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You opened your eyes. You sat up dazed at what you saw. You saw a beautiful field of buttercups and blue skies. You smiled. Finally, you saw the surface again. You knelt down to one of the flowers and smelled it.You got up again pleasantly. You lovedt feeling the breeze blow through your hair. You were happy, but .... it was all just a dream. You knew that nothing could have been that good for you. The flowers became black and wilted in a matter of seconds. You looked across the sky as it became grey. You looked down at your body and see your clothing covered in blood and dust. You had a knife in your hand and scarred slits on your wrist and throat. "Greetings." You turned around to be presented to by Chara. "Why are you doing this, bit-" You began to talk when you suddenly were unable to speak. She shook her head and giggled. "No, do not speak. I am not going to let you. I'm tired of your lip." You tried to talk again. It didn't work. As she walked forward to you you realized that Flowey was hiding behind her. He looked absolutely terrified. "Anyways, back to our scheduled program! I hope that you know why we are here today, (Y/N)? I brought us all here to talk about our deal," she smirked," I helped you this time because you wanted to get revenge on Sans. Golly, I even helped you stand up to Trav!" Looked away from her red eyes. "I deserve more out of this deal. What do you think Asriel?" She turned to Flowey. He didn't know what to say. "I-I-I don't k-know?" Chara had a huge grin on her face. "Speaking of deals... Remember our deal that I will help you maintain your old personality for a bit if you obey me, Azzy?" She then creepily looked towards you. Your back straightened as you half your ground. "I think that I should get a little bit more control. I've been trying to for a while, but now I built up enough DETERMINATION to take over more of your thoughts. Hehe! That would be a treat!" You struggled to talk and say no. Nothing happened. "Asriel, hit her with a friendliness pellet." "W-what? No." "What was that Flowey?" "I said no!" He barked. He immediately regretted what he had just said. Chara laughed and laughed and laughed. A knife formed in her hand. She walked closer to Asriel and hit him with several blows of the knife. She smiled at you as if nothing had happened. You were shaking in your converse. "Now for you." She got close enough to you that you could feel her breath on your cheeks. She stuck the knife into your stomach. "You may speak now. When you wake up, you'll be in an immense amount of pain. I just wanted you to know that." "You are a dirty brother killer," you coughed. "I know," she said in a proud tone. You growled at her. You closed your eyes and prayed for it to be over.

You awakened. You stumbled when you got up and spilled blood on the grass in waterfall. You winced as your left eye stung. It felt like pure hell. "Fuck!" you screamed as you pounded your fist on the ground. You coughed up blood. Except it wasn't blood. It was black sludge. Your eye was turning pure red. Like the blood of your enemies. Hehe. You bit your lip, trying not to scream any louder. It was too much pain for you to handle. "AAAAAAAAAGGGHH!" You saw blue light up behind you. It was Sans again. Somehow he had heard you all the way from Snowdin. Well, it WAS a really loud screech. You coughed up more sludge. You tried to pull yourself up. "Ggh." You had hurt so much and lost so much blood that your vision was starting to get blurry. You fell back to your knees and fell onto the ground. You had passed out.

I Didn't Mean To (Sans and Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora