Chpt. 26 (It Happens Quickly)

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You are falling. FALLING F A L L I N G.
Something broke my... your fall. Flowers. Those damned flowers. You were wishing that Flowey wouldn't be there, but that was just a hope. "Asriel is going to greet you soon," Chara said aloud. You saw the patch of grass. A sole buttercup in the lime green grass. You stepped forward. It did nothing. You walked closer towards it. It did absolutely nothing. You touched the flower's petals. It wasn't Asriel. How could he not be here? He was there all of the other timelines. You kept on walking. You saw Toriel and she brought you in. She made you butterscotch pie. She cared for you. You were at the door with dust on your knife and a pile of it in front of you. You sobbed over her dust. "Come on! Don't be such a baby!" You looked up at your 'friend'. "Leave me the fuck alone for a few fucking seconds, please." After a minute you got up, your eyes puffy from crying. You exited the RUINS. You closed the door back. You strolled through the snow. You stepped over the heavy branch. You walked some more. You the branch snap behind you. You sighed. You saw your breathe in the cold air. You pulled your hat over your eyes and put your hands into your jeans' pockets. You made it to the bridge. You stopped. "Human. Turn around and shake my hand." You looked at the bridge for a second before going through. The bars were wide enough for you to go right through. You could sense Sans's hurt from behind you. You didn't shake his hand. A tear fell from your eyes. You walked right past the conveniently shaped lamp. Papyrus saw you. "A human! I must capture them! (Where is Sans?)" You kept walking. You didn't care what or where that comedian was. He probably didn't feel as heart broken as you did. You walked through every puzzle. You walked through the snow. You walked through Snowdin. You were strolling in the snow when you saw Grillby's. You wanted to get a bottle of ketchup and forget everything. You kept going despite what you wanted. You walked to where you and Papyrus were supposed to have your famous fight. You saw The smol cinnamon roll standing there. It was all happening so fast. "Being able to get revenge fills you with DETERMINATION," Chara said. By then you weren't even really sure what DETERMINATION was.

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