Demons Mate

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Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroshitsuji or any or it's characters. I only claim Serena, Asta and the demons and descendants that I introduce. Fair warning though, I did use some of the world building and a couple of the OCs in the Fallen University Series, which is copyrighted. This is the remake of a dear friend ......

The demon currently known as Sebastian busied himself around the manor as the rest of the house slept. There was no end to the list of tasks to be completed when one was working with servants such as this house employed. They weren't really necessary, so their ineptitude could be overlooked in most cases. He just needed them for extra firepower and keeping up appearances.

Lady Francis had mentioned how strange it was that he took care of the master and the house all by himself, cooked the meals and ran all the errands. The next day Sebastian had started looking for hired help.

He'd have to look for something else as well. Evidently, Lady Elizabeth didn't like that Sebastian was single. She had started during an unscheduled visit this afternoon. Not that she made any other kind of visit to the manor. Both she and his master were getting older, her friends were pairing off and Lady Elizabeth was already thinking of her own wedding. Not that it could be done this Season. Lord Phantomhive was only fifteen this year. Lady Elizabeth thought it unusual that the Butler had no wife. After all, his wife would run the maids while he looked after the master and other business. It would help him, take some of the load off. Of course, if he waited until Lady Elizabeth took her place here at the manor Paula would make an excellent wife for him.

The conversation had almost been worth seeing the lady's maid turn fire red at the thought and stutter. Poor Paula had almost dropped the Lady's teacup and saucer.

He knew his human form was appealing. That was part of the point of it. People were so agreeable to the good-looking. His demon form would send them scream, even though he thought it had it's own dark appeal. To those willing to not run screaming. Even in the age of reason, superstition still had a stranglehold on most. Most were utter nonsense, but some still read true.

All Hallows Eve. Grim Reapers. Demons. Angels. Scientific thought taking over some minds were making it so much easier to move in the human world. So much easier to do business. Of course, it also made it harder to blend in at the same time. Once upon a time, it would not have been so hard to manipulate the humans. Now, they were more likely to see something suspicious. In the old days, they would have brought the church, blessed the house and been on their way. Now, they wanted to talk. To do tests on anything that didn't fit their beliefs of the world around them.

Lady Elizabeth's concerns would have to be addressed. He could easily find a human, another perk of an appealing form, as well as his position in the noble house. He could start screening immediately as a matter of fact, like a job opening. Maybe Mei-Rin would get her head out of the clouds that way?

Or he could simply call one of the demons of his house. That would make it easier on him. With a human wife, he would have to keep up the façade permentently, without even the sanctuary of his rooms. Not that he ever dropped the human face while in their world, but he would have to watch himself closer in private, to not give anything away. She also have to able to work around this lot and the constant danger that came with the House of Phantomhive.

One of his own demons would be a better option. Corrine was always a pleasant diversion that would make time on this plane more enjoyable. Especially since his current master had no interest in Sebastian's 'other' skills. Such a pity too. Ciel Phantomhive was certainly beautiful. The human actually had the beauty of a demon in his own frail, human body. And he was so much fun to needle. Seeing the hints of the deep wells of wrath housed within that soul was always a delicious pleasure.

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