This wont be easy

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The Undertaker's parlor was exactly as Serena remembered. The mortician, himself, was even leaning over another of his hand-made coffins. He looked up and smiled at the sight of their party. Placing the lid on the coffin, gently, he walked over to them.

"To what do I owe this pleasure, my lord? Twice in one week. I'm honored." He laughed into his long-nailed hand.

"I have a few questions about possible customers of yours, Undertaker."

"You know what that costs."

Sebastian stepped forward but was waved back by the silver-haired man.

"No," Undertaker stood in front of Serena and tapped her on the nose. "I want to know what kind of laugh the time-traveler can give me."

"Oh no, you're better off sticking with Sebastian if you want a laugh."

"Come on, give it a try. I'll even go easy on you."

'Think of the worst joke you ever heard.' The demon's voice echoed through her mind. She turned sharply to stare at him, sure that he had spoken. Ciel's confused look shot that idea down. Long black nails attached to a cool hand touched her chin and pulled her back to the scarred mortician.

"I'm waiting." The words were nothing but a whisper as she felt eyes she couldn't see bore into her. A low growl came from behind the red head as she shrugged.

"What does a wicked chicken lay?"

"Oh, I love these." He poked her in the side. "Tell me, tell me!"

"Deviled eggs."

The Undertaker erupted in loud laughter and draped himself over Serena's shoulder.

"Wow, really?" She looked at Ciel in amazement. The Earl just shrugged.

"That was brilliant!" His body continued to shake as he held her tighter. The growl got louder and Serena could feel the demon walking closer.

In an instant, Undertaker disappeared from her side and sat on the coffin he had been working on. His attention focused on Ciel as Sebastian pulled his mate close to his body.

"You can ask now." He laughed, still looking at the demon.

"I need to know if there has been an increase in your clientele of teenage boys."

"Ah, unfortunately no. Although I have heard that young men have been disappearing for quite some time."

"There have only been six."

"That were reported. For months, young men about your own age have been taken from workhouses and debtor's prisons. After they leave, no one sees them again. If I had to guess, whoever is responsible now wants quality versus quantity." He trailed a nail down the Earl's smooth cheek. "Make sure you keep that butler close. You're certainly fine enough to peak anyone's interest."

Ciel slapped the hand away. Serena saw the rare look of panic that crossed his face at the Undertaker's touch and stepped forward. Sebastian held her back. When she looked up, he shook his head. She watched as the Earl stood straight again.

"Thank you for your time, Undertaker." Without another word, Ciel strode from the shop. Serena and Sebastian hurried to catch up. "We're going to the townhouse for the night. It's too late to go to Lau."

The butler looked to the sun that was barely setting, but nodded anyway. "Of course, Master."

In the carriage, the Earl stared straight out the window and seemed to be lost in his thoughts.

"Ciel, are you alright?"

"I'm fine."

Serena decided not to push. As she looked at their surroundings, his quiet voice spoke in the dark interior.

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