A demons mate

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Serena checked her directions before sliding the piece of paper into the little bag over her shoulder. She was always getting lost, but the theater should be straight ahead. If Akiko's directions were right. Her roommate wasn't much better at giving directions than Serena was at following them. The Japanese girl took for granted that everyone knew which streets and subways she was talking about.

Ahead, she spotted a marquee but she was better at speaking Japanese than reading it. The kanji for Kuroshitsuji she recognized though. She had made it. Yah, for both of them. The front of the theater was still only being used by passing pedestrians. Serena reached to check the time on her phone, still stowed in her purse and smiled at the poster advertising the show next to her.

Serena heard rolling wheels, like some kind of cart before she was knocked over. She expected to feel jar of bricks and mortar that made the old English-style building but there was nothing.

She just kept falling.

"Have you thought about my offer?"

Ciel looked down at the demon buttoning his nightshirt. "Yes. But I have a question first."

"Very well." Sebastian stood and pulled the blankets down from the large bed his master occupied at night.

"How long did you plan on our arrangement lasting?"

"I see your point." He took a moment to remove the warming pan from the bed. "As a demon that focuses on revenge, I have learned not to make plans during a contract. I have been a part deals that lasted only days to some masters that I stayed with for decades."

That wasn't the answer he was expecting. Ciel stayed quiet as he slid between the warm sheets.

"Alright. I accept."

"Good." The demon's eyes glowed as he removed his glove with his teeth, the mark on the back of his hand glowing in the dimly-lit room. "Our mark with change with our new terms."

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