Something Divine

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In the end, Lizzy insisted that Serena go with them into town. Since she had no intention of going to the ball, as much fun as it sounded, she really didn't want to see Lady Francis again or be a third wheel. She sat back while they discussed costumes with the tailor. Sebastian had been sent on errands, leaving her no one to talk to. Despite the strange and energetic artist that Miss Nina was, her attention quickly wandered to the bustling street outside.

'I thought that the nobles stayed at their country houses between Christmas and New Years. I guess that's not everyone.'

Seeing that Ciel and Lizzy were well drawn into their discussion, Serena started to slide out the door.


She jumped and looked back to the Earl.

"I think you should remember the last time that you wandered off in London."

"I won't go far and I won't talk to anyone." She raised a hand like she was being sworn in at a courthouse. "I promise."

"I suppose it's alright," He sighed and waved one of his calling cards at her. "If you see something, tell the merchants to have the bills sent to the house."*

She took the card with a smile. "I will. Thank you, Ciel."

'I guess the Victorian era had its own way making sure that people were who they said they were.'

Out in the streets, Serena was entranced by the hustle and bustle of London's streets. If not for the sound of horses instead of cars, she could almost imagine she was still in Tokyo. The sound of a crowd was the same no matter where you went. People who knew each other were stopping to say hello as merchants and vendors were trying to entice potential customers. The cold meant nothing as the flow of the crowd moved from shop to shop and street to street.

Serena let herself be carried with the flow when she saw a park.

'That must be Hyde Park.'

Even here, people milled around in the winter sunshine. Horse riders were following the trails, some in couples and some in groups. Carriages cut through the park's paths, seeing and being seen. Nannies watched children that had been bundled up for the cold as they played in the knee-deep snow. Noblemen walked with ladies on their arms and a servant or two behind them. Serena sat on a bench that had been cleared of snow and watched the people around her.

'It's always like this. Watching, not participating. For some reason, that's okay right now.'

"Is this seat taken?"

Serena looked to see a man in front of her. There was nothing exceptional about him. The man was neither handsome nor ugly. While dressed well, there was no indication of wealth in his clothing and he carried a simple walking cane. Silver hair seen from the sides of his top hat suggested that the man was past his prime, but the way he carried himself made him seem ageless. He was someone who could easily blend into the crowd around them and no one would be able to pick him out.

 He was someone who could easily blend into the crowd around them and no one would be able to pick him out

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