Sebastian's Human PAST

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Yes, I was born a human. The same as you." He answered carefully.

Serena sat up. "So then, how did this happen?"

"It was a punishment."

"No, really?"

Sebastian growled at the sarcasm in her voice and rolled to look at the ceiling. The red head poked him the side.

"Tell me."

"It's a long story."

"I'm not going anywhere. Remember?"

The demon rubbed his forehead, looked around the room, tried to think of anything else, but finally looked back to his mate with a sigh.

"It was a very long time ago. The world worshiped many gods then. Almost every city had it's own deity. My original city was no different." He snorted. "I know now he was no god. Merely a Fallen, who gained a following."

"My grandmother used to say that believing in something or someone, gives them power." The red head moved to sit cross-legged, getting comfortable to hear his story.

"Exactly. We worshiped and so he was a god. Our people were ruled by his priestess. She was a conduit to him." Sebastian seemed to pull back, returning to his tale. "It was noticed when I was very young, that I had a talent for fighting. I killed one of the temple guards that had been abusing his position and was taken before the priestess expecting to be executed."

"But you weren't?"

"No, I wasn't. Instead I was ordered to train with the other guards." He laughed. "I thought that it was the greatest thing that could have ever happened to me. My family was of the lowest. My father died when I was very young and I have no idea what my mother did to support us. Well, of course I have an idea."


"I had a younger sister. I don't even remember her name." For some reason, that the demon was not willing to dwell upon, the fact bothered him. Serena put her hand on his arm and the peace she brought flowed over him.

"Go on."

"During training, I caught on quickly and showed the same aptitude again and again. I even defeated the captain of the guard." Serena noticed that he was looking at nothing, almost as though he wasn't there with her anymore. "The morning after I had fought the captain, right at dawn, I was taken before the priestess again. She announced that I was to be one of her personal guards."

"I take it that was a big deal?"

"She only had two before me."

"Yeah, that's pretty big." She leaned over him to look in his eyes. "Tell me about her."

"Armana. Her name I remember. Actually, Agni reminds me of her. Our people believed that those with white hair were touched by the gods themselves. But, it's really the absolute peace that surrounds him and the trust he places in people, regardless of knowing them."

"He always sees the good in people."

"That was Armana." The demon stopped, lost in his memories.

"You loved her." Serena's voice was as soft as the hand running over his skin.

"Everyone loved her. Even the most unrepentant criminal listened when she spoke and bowed when she passed."

"How long were you with her?"

"Ten years. I was only a teenager, not much older than my master, but a man at that age. For the most part, her guards were unnecessary. Our people would never dream of harming the priestess who was the conduit to the god."

A Demons Mate Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ