Demons do not have children

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Serena circled the room on edge. There was a killer instinct that surrounded them all, filing the room with its cold promise of death. She looked to Sebastian, but the demon was merely watching the two humans before him. She looked to Elizabeth, but the blonde was too focused on survival to be radiating that feeling.

It was a shock to realize that it was coming from Ciel.

She moved quickly around the outskirts of the room, dodging the moving fighters easily by staying behind the columns that supported a balcony over the room. Sebastian watched her as she ducked behind columns as his Master and Lady Elizabeth performed a deadly dance in the room's center. When Serena reached the demon, he had made sure to stay slightly in front of her.

"I thought Ciel wasn't good in fencing?"

"Whatever gave you that idea?" Red eyes kept watch over the match even as he answered his mate.

"But, in both the manga and the anime, Ciel isn't a fighter."

"When we first came to the manor, Master set about eradicating whatever weakness that had made him vulnerable to his attackers. While it is true that his talents do not lie in physical combat, Master has made sure that he can be a deadly opponent" Sebastian moved them back a little as the fighting was coming closer. "However, he could not change his body's makeup. Master cannot keep up this pace for very long."

"Hit hard, get them down, before your body gives out."

"Exactly. His lungs will only tolerate this level of activity for so long, while Lady Elizabeth has more stamina but not the killer instinct behind her." A smirk came over the demon's face as he watched both fencers throw more sophisticated moves at the other. "She still sees her fiancé while he only sees another opponent to defeat."

"Why do you seem so happy about this?" Serena asked suspicious.

"I don't know what you mean."

"There is that look again. You're proud that he can do this. That Ciel could fight and defeat Elizabeth without a thought." She yanked a little on his tailcoat to bring his attention to her. "He's not your little demon child."

"I assure you that I do not think of my master as a child. Besides, demons do not have children."

The red head jerked back and his attention shifted to the mock battle again.

'If demons don't have children, then how did Sebastian get to be here? Was he...human?'

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