Filler LOL

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Serena went back to her room and tried to go to bed. For some reason, she just couldn't settle. Last night kept her thoughts occupied as she tried to sleep. After such a gentle kiss, Serena didn't know what to do. A raging blush, worse than when they were in bed, had come over her.

'It was so against what I have seen of him. He was...sweet. I didn't think that I would ever put Sebastian and sweet in the same sentence. He's been telling me this whole time, how important I was to him. But, that was the first time that I actually felt that I was.'

Giving up, she slid out of the bed and padded across the carpet. The door opened without a sound but closed with a small click. She looked up and down the hall. She had heard Ciel's door close a while ago, so the demon had to be somewhere else in the house. As she went down the hall, Serena check the rooms that she passed. Everything was exactly as it should have been. She was glad that her eyes had adjusted while she was trying to sleep as there were no candles lit on the second floor to light her way.

Serena didn't see the blonde head that peeked around the corner as she went down the stairs.

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