Hair secrets

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Undertaker laughed into his sleeve at their shock.

"That's right. Demon's came into being with the sole purpose of eating the souls that were too corrupted to be reborn. They served, as well as the angels. It was a penance for those who not quite corrupted enough to be eaten, but still carried too much sin to be reborn or allowed into paradise. As their numbers grew, demons became fascinated with the humans, just as some of the angels did. They soon learned that they could take other things from the humans that they watched."

"Their essence." Serena thought back to the little lesson she had already gotten from the reaper and the demons days ago.

"Exactly. With such an easy meal, they weren't limited to the souls that were sent to them. Some lost their powers to consume souls all together and began to feed only the essence, the life force that humans carry. Of course this angered others, the angels specifically. They called for the demons to be cast out of service. It was when Lucifer fell that the demons went with him. By now, the number of demons had grown as well and they were put into categories based on what they fed off of. As time went on and more and more demons came into being, they started to band together. The Elder at the top, is always a soul eater and the strongest. He's rules the 'family.' All the others that are considered members of this 'family' answer to the Elder. Some Elders are more powerful than others depending on the souls that they feed upon."

"I still don't understand what Sebastian's contract with Ciel has to do with it."

"It has everything to do with it." The silver haired reaper slid an arm around Serena's shoulders and pulled her closer. "He's quite intriguing, Lord Phantomhive. The little Earl's soul, while filled with wrath, is not corrupted."

"If he had died that night, Ciel would have been reborn."

"Correct. Just as many of your mate's meals would have been. The demon known as Sebastian Michaelis has acquired a taste for pure souls. And it's gotten him into trouble, it would seem." Undertaker laughed as a nail stroked her cheek.

"He said that I was sent here to distract Sebastian. To pull him away from Ciel."

"It seems that William here isn't the only one upset by the loss of souls to demons." He snickered.

"If you had let me kill her the other night, sweet Bassie would have had his distraction." Grell picked at his nails. "Although, I do hate to kill another red head. There are so few of us."

Serena stared across the room and recognized her chance.

"I always wanted to ask, how do get that color?" She waved to the reaper's hair.

"It's natural!" The reaper stroked some his long hair. "I do punch it up a bit though."

"You have to tell me what you use." The girl leaned forward and could practically see the wheels turning his head. 'Come on, come on. Work.'

"Oh, alright." Grell rushed over and plopped down next to Serena. "You have to use..."

Everyone watched as the two red head whispered between each other. Ronald looked between them and his boss, confused.

"Are they friends now?"

Will rubbed the bridge of his nose, feeling a migraine exploding in the back of his head.

"I don't know."

"I never would have thought of that!" Serena touch some of the hair that was near her. "Oh, is that how you get it so soft?"

"No, no. For that you need oils." Grell crossed his legs and settled in for a long discussion.

"I've tried oils before and it never seems to do anything. It just makes my hair greasy at the scalp and frizzy at the bottom."

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