You've always been alone....

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Serena leaned on the doorframe of the billiards room after finally being released from Warden Midford. Sebastian was currently polishing the fine wood of the table with a cloth, but turned when he noticed her.

"Way to throw me under the whore bus there, thanks."

The butler put down the rag he was using. "I know that this morning was unfortunate, however, even you should have been able to see that Lady Midford was not going to let up until she knew. She's very much like you in that regard."

She came into the room fully and sank down in one of the chairs next to the fireplace that was burning brightly. Next to the light, Serena noticed how dark it had gotten outside. The days were so short here.

"What is it that is really bothering you, my mate?"

"You know, privacy is a state of mind, as well as a state of being. I really didn't want everyone to know what is going on between us, or what they think is going on."

"I believe that I see your complaint." Sebastian knelt next to her chair. "This morning was not my ideal situation either, but there was no other way out than to own to it."

"You couldn't have thought of something?"

"Like what?"

"I don't know, I fell asleep in the library with a book, anything." She slumped back in the chair.

"No. I apologize that I was distracted this morning and I didn't notice Lady Francis moving about the manor. I did stop her when she tried to wake my Master, however I didn't know that she had tried your rooms as well." A gloved hand took hers, rubbing gentle circles over the back of it.

"Well, now she's insisting that you marry me." Serena looked down at their joined hands. "If I smell like lemon polish, I'm not going to be happy."

"Of course." He leaned forward and kissed her. "But, I like the smell of lemon polish."

She shook her head with a smile. "I told you that you liked this butler schtick."

"You are correct." He smirked.

"I don't understand how you can be so calm. Francis isn't going to forget about us being married. How can you marry me?"

He gave her a sly smile. "Master will put me in charge of the preparations. Of course, I cannot enter a church so it will be held here at the manor. I'm afraid that the 'ceremony' will be mostly an act and it will be more legal than anything."

"Legal? Sebastian Michaelis doesn't really exist and for that matter, neither do I. At least, not for another hundred years."

"As I said, it will be mostly an act. I'll simply have one of the many demons roaming London play a priest, we'll sign the register and that will make Lady Midford happy."

"Can you even stand in front of a priest?"

The demon laughed. "My mate, many of your priests are the most corrupt souls I've ever seen."

"Yeah, I figured kind of figured that." Serena rubbed her forehead. "But still, it's the principal of the thing."

"If I can stand before Agni, whom is one of the most faithful to walk the earth, I can stand before any priest."

"Well, you've just thought of everything, haven't you?" She threw her hands up in the air.

His head cocked to the side as he looked at her. "You are upset?"

"You know that whole saying that every girl dreams of her wedding day? Now, you're telling me, basically, that mine is going to be a total sham."

"Serena." He pulled her out of the chair to stand in front of him. "Marriage is, at it's most basic definition, a union before whatever denomination's God that is worshiped. It is impossible for me. You will still have the pretty gown and anyone that you want invited. The ceremony may be facade, however the sentiment behind it is not."

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