From me to you ....

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Sebastian could hear his mate sneaking around the manor as he bathed his Master. His mind wondered to what she could be doing, but the boy would constantly draw his attention back. He heard her move from the attic rooms and then felt the glimmer of her soul in the greenhouse. When he heard the curse in his mind as she found the door of his own room locked, the demon was glad that he was behind his prey and didn't have to explain his smirk.

When his Master had finally slid into his bed and the candles had been extinguished, Sebastian went straight to the kitchen where his mate had been for a long time. Serena was standing in front of the counter by the sink and appeared to be mixing something. The demon felt a flash of anger that his mate was walking around the manor in another of his master's nightshirts where anyone could see her, but forced it down. There would be time for that later. He heard her grumbling as though she were speaking instead of talking under her breath.

"Why don't they have electric mixers in this time?"

He decided it was his moment to step in. Coming up behind the red head, he slid his gloved hands along her arms and took possession of the bowl and whisk. Serena jumped a little when he touched her but calmed once she saw who it was.

"Thank you." She smiled up at him.

"I liked the way you thanked me earlier, better."

With a short laugh, she leaned up and kissed his jaw.

"Is that better?"

"Almost." He leaned down and pressed a kiss to her lips, delighted when she smiled and melted into him. Sebastian let go of the bowl and used the hand to slide into her hair, holding his mate in place. His other snaked around her hips to keep her pressed against him. His fingers pulled the shirt up higher so he could touch skin instead of cloth and was rewarded with a small sigh.

"Cookies." She tried to pull away. "I need to finish the cookies."

Sebastian groaned at her timing and focus but allowed her to pull away.

"Is that what you are making? Cookies?"

"Christmas cookies."

He looked unimpressed and she remembered that he was a demon.

"You just don't get it. My great-grandmother always used to make these on Christmas Eve. It was the only time that everyone got cookies with breakfast. When I was old enough, she would let me help. It was our little annual tradition. When she passed away, I took over making the cookies and even though this isn't my home, I still want to make them."

Sebastian watched the light that had come into her eyes while she told the story and realized that this silly tradition was just as important to her as the gifts had been earlier. He honestly didn't see the point, but that was another matter. What really bothered him was why she wanted to celebrate God's holiday when her future was with a demon and therefore, almost as far away from God as she could get.

'Pure soul. Must remember that. Besides, I have seen a few mates that were devote for what little it did for them.'

Serena swiped a little of the batter from the bowl and tasted it.

"Almost there. I just need the cherries and the almonds."

"We do have almonds, but fresh cherries are out of season."

"Not fresh. We always used dried or maraschino cherries. The maraschinos were always better."

"I believe that I do have a bottle of those."

The red head clapped her hands together in excitement and brushed past him to get to the pantry.

"Why are they up so high?"

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