Vous faire maintenent?

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Since it had been too late by the time that they arrived, Lady Midford announced that she would be spending the night and go back home in the morning to finish preparing for the ball. At least the talk between her and Ciel had apparently gone well. Both had been much more civil when they emerged from the Earl's office. Francis had even made the effort to draw Serena into conversation during dinner. After the meal, she had taken Lizzy upstairs to discuss what had happened during her stay at the Phantomhive estate and Serena was once again on her own.

As she explored the library, a strange book had caught her attention.

Dictionnaire Infernal*

Serena pulled the book down and looked around the room to make sure that she was alone. She tucked it close to her side so that anyone passing would not be able to read the cover and set off for her own room. The hallway was blissfully empty. The red head could feel her heart pounding in her chest, fearful of being discovered.


She squeaked and spun around to face Sebastian, dropping the book in the process. The demon was smirking at her reaction as she tried to calm down. The girl tried to stop him when he reached to pick up the book that she had dropped. Serena watched him carefully as he read the title and laughed.

"Why can you not wait?"

"Because I need to know."

"This will do you no good." He held up her secret.

"Are you going to tell me that this is another book that's going to lie to me?"

"That too." Sebastian opened the book to a random page and showed it to her. "It's also in French."

Serena crossed her arms. "Maybe I speak French."

"Vous faire maintenent?"*

She looked away from his smirk. "Yeah, I got nothing out of that."

"So I thought. I will return this to the library for you." He tucked the book under his arm. "Mei-Rin will be along shortly to help you prepare for bed."

Serena glared at his back as Sebastian walked down the hallway.

"Snarky butler."

"Yes, I've thought the same many times."

Serena jumped and squeaked again. She fell against the wall, holding her chest over her pounding heart. Francis watched her, obviously amused.

"For God's sake, is it National Sneak Up on the Red Head Day?"

"Not at all. It's your own fault for not paying attention." The marchioness nodded to the younger girl and walked off. "Good night, Miss Serena."

Well, it looks like I will just have to try this again.'

Serena looked both ways down the hall before speeding off for the stairs. Leaving her door cracked open after Mei-Rin had left, she had heard Sebastian and Ciel a few minutes earlier going into the Earl's rooms. Knowing that this wasn't an operation to be undertaken in her nightshirt, the red head had changed into one of the round gowns that didn't require extra help as soon as the maid left. She tried to keep her mind as blank as possible as she navigated the manor's halls. Ciel would keep the demon occupied for a while and that left her the only chance.

The kitchen was dark, lit by only one candle when she slipped inside. The rest of the servants had already retired to their part of the house for the night. A large box, mounted on the wall, held what she was looking for. A shaft of moonlight came through the window over the sink and illuminated the contents for her.

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