Ask me again why I don't like to go out.

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The intermission came quickly as Serena had truly been enjoying the play. The theater had decided to put on Shakespeare's 'Twelfth Night' before the nobles left London for the Christmas season. When the lights came back on, Ciel rolled his eye and held out a hand to Serena. Soma was already up and chattering about the play so far. They let him go first in leaving the box as the Prince had already made plans to meet up with Redmond again.

As they left through the curtains, Serena felt a stab of panic and it took her a moment to realize that it was because Sebastian was staying behind to prepare refreshments for the second half.

"What is it?" Ciel leaned close to speak over the crowd of other nobles that were exiting their own boxes.

"It's nothing." She shook her head and started forward again.

Several people stopped to talk to the Earl, mostly about business, others were simply trying to toady. The red head noticed more than one couple had approached with a young lady in tow. They seemed to back off when they saw Serena holding Ciel's arm. She just smiled and turned back to whoever her escort was talking to.

"Thank you." Ciel led her away after breaking from the group that had formed when they stopped.

"For what?"

"If you hadn't done that, I would have been surrounded by nobles parading their daughters in front of me."

She laughed as they continued on. Most of the others that they encountered merely nodded in acknowledgment from their own circles. They had almost completed a circuit of the upper level when Serena shivered, a feeling of being watched making her itch between her shoulder blades. She turned slightly to see the marquess and his intimidating wife. With them was the Viscount Druitt and the three were heading straight for them.

"Incoming." She whispered to Ciel.

"What?" He looked back and noticed the trio. "Oh. Damn."

The three blondes stopped just in front of them.

"Lord Phantomhive. I was unaware that you were in London at this time." The marquess decided to start the conversation.

"It was not a trip that was planned." With a sigh, Ciel pulled Serena forward. "Lord and Lady Midford, Lord Druitt, may I introduce Miss Serena Walton."

The redhead curtsied to the nobles and found the Viscount right beside her waiting for a hand. He pressed a light kiss to her knuckles with a smirk and pulled the girl closer.

"What a lovely bird that the earl has brought into our midst. I think with that hair, you would be a cardinal, my lady. Come to bless our drab world with color."

She firmly pulled her hand away with a smile. "I thank you for the sentiment, my lord. From what I understand, it is quite a compliment coming from you."

"Indeed. It is well known that I take in interest in all things beautiful." His voice dropped as he tried to put an arm around Serena.

Ciel stopped him by flicking the Viscount's hand away from her other side. He turned the attention back to the blond couple.

"Are you enjoying the play, Aunt Frances?"

"It seems passable. Why doesn't Lord Druitt take Miss Serena around for a moment? There is a matter that I wish to discuss."

'Oh, don't leave me alone with him! If he tries anything, Sebastian will kill this idiot...or I will.'

As if he could read her thoughts, the Earl smiled at his aunt. "For the time being, I am Serena's escort and guardian. I can't take the chance that the Viscount may try to take off with my guest. As he did once before."

Ciel glared at the older man. Druitt just laughed it off.

"Well, he is right. I'm afraid I just can't help myself."

'The problem is that you help yourself to too much, moron.'

"Very well," The marchioness drew herself up to her full height. "Elizabeth sent a letter to the estate today. Since you are in town, we will come by in the morning."

"I'm afraid that my schedule is quite full until after Christmas."

The woman's face darkened as the bell sounded to announce the second half.

"We should be returning to our seats. I will receive Elizabeth's letter when I return home. You can tell her that I will reply to it as soon as possible." Ciel bowed to the three and pulled Serena away.

"Well, that was nice and awkward." The red head whispered as they walked back to the box.

"Ask me again why I don't like to go out."

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