Night out Part 2

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Serena tried to remember that she was an adult as she looked around the opulent theater in wonder. The rich colors, artwork and décor made her slightly ashamed of what theaters had become in her time period. The sight of various nobles dressed in decadent fabrics and dripping with jewels made her grateful that Sebastian had planned ahead and had Mei-Rin pack the red gown.

'I will definitely thank him later. I'd have felt embarrassed if I had worn anything else.'

"I assume by your reaction that you do not go the theater often?" Ciel leaned forward from his seat next to her. Soma had run into a friend as they were coming in and had left them to mingle before the show started. As the teen had no interest in mingling, they had gone straight to the box always reserved for the Phantomhives.

"I do. It's just that the theaters back home aren't like this."

"What are they like?"

"Much more...stripped down I guess is the word that I'm looking for. And people don't get dressed up like this."

"The theater has gone out of style then?" Sebastian presented the two with a tray that carried two flutes of champagne and slices of freshly peeled orange.

She couldn't tell them about the huge multiplexes and most people going in jeans after looking at her current surroundings so she opted to not say anything at all.

Ciel took a glass and sat in his seat while turning his attention back to the stage. The actors were performing a comedy routine for the audience before the main show began. Serena noticed that the Earl looked lighter and more relaxed than he had all day.

"Why don't you come more often? You obviously enjoy it."

"It's the people that I don't enjoy." He took a sip from his glass, eyes still on the stage.

She looked around at the box that was empty except for the three of them. "Okay."

"Just wait. During the intermission, we are expected to walk around and socialize with everyone. If we stay in the box, they'll just accost us here. Unfortunately, the nobles' boxes give them a view of the theater and the theater a view of us. Everyone knows we're here."

Serena looked around and realized that she could see into all the open boxes. Those that weren't being used for the night, had the curtains drawn. She also noted that there were several people looking at the two of them and whispering amongst themselves. The red head almost jerked back when she met the eyes of a blond woman glaring at her from across the theater.

"That's an impressive glare." She looked to Ciel and nodded to the woman. Although older, the woman was still beautiful. Judging by her appearance, she was one of the nobles. "Who is that? There's something about her that seems awfully familiar."

The Earl leaned forward and groaned. Putting on a fake smile, he nodded to the woman and her party.

"That is my Aunt Francis. She should look familiar to you, she's Elizabeth's mother."


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