Hell Or High Water

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Ciel?" Serena knocked softly on the Earl's bedroom door.

"Leave me."

The voice was forceful, holding panic. With a sigh, she opened the door anyway and stepped inside. Ciel was pacing in front of the fireplace while holding the iron poker. The teen's other hand was clutching Sebastian coat closed around his body. His eyes were wild when she entered and he brought the poker up in front of him.

"Ciel? What happened?" She reached a hand out but stopped when he jerked away.

"Don't touch me!" The teen backed into the wall, sliding down it. "Just don't touch me."

"Did something go wrong?"

"Wrong?" He laughed derisively and threw the poker down. "This whole plan was wrong!"


'We're fine. Concentrate on that issue.'

Ciel took off the bangles that jingled on his wrist and threw them across the room. He drew his knees up to his chest and wrapped his arms around them. "I don't know how you talked me into this."

Suddenly, the conversation they had had at the mansion came rushing back to her. When the Earl had told her about what happened to him after the mansion burned and his parents had been murdered. What had happened to push him into making a deal with a demon.

"Ciel." Her voice was soft as she tried to reach him.

"Don't." The teen shot up from his position to glare at her, his contract mark blazing. "Don't you dare pity me!"

"It's not pity." She tried to come closer but he started to pace all over again.

"No one feels sorry for me. I'm Ciel, Earl of Phantomhive. The Queen's Guard Dog and ruler of London's underworld. I made the Funtom company into a world leader. I...I..." His voice cracked. "I..."

Serena reached out a hand that he didn't back away from. She touched him lightly, afraid to spook him. When he didn't pull away, the girl wrapped her arms around Ciel and guided him to put his head on her shoulder. She didn't say anything about the wetness she felt on her skin as his knees let go and they knelt on the floor.

Sebastian entered the kitchens to see Undertaker and Haagenti sitting at the small table. A young demon that he didn't know stood behind them. The two at the table stood when he entered, their expressions giving nothing away.

"My, my. I wonder what I have done to warrant such guests in my current home." He nodded to the other demon. "Haagenti."


"I'm an Elder in my own right, Mentor. Perhaps you could stop calling me that." Sebastian shook his head.

The other demon waved him off. "As I told your mate, I highly doubt it."

"Undertaker. What brings you here?"

The reaper giggled. "Oh, it will wait for a moment."

Sebastian looked to the young demon, waiting patiently. He waved the other forward and he knelt in front of London's Elder.

"Elder, I am Teo. I ask permission to hunt while passing through your territory."

"Where is your destination?"

"Manchester, Elder."

Sebastian crossed his arms as he looked down at the younger.

"I did not think that it was customary for you to wait inside my home, with my mate."

Haagenti stepped forward. "We will explain that. He's done more than enough this night to be allowed hunting rights."

"Really? Is it your power I sensed had been used in my home?"

"Yes, Elder." Teo kept his head down and tried to hide the nervous tremor in his voice.

Haagenti laid a hand on Teo's shoulder. "As I said, we will explain that. For now, only know that it was necessary."

"Very well. I will give you leave to hunt within London."

"Thank you, Elder." Teo stood and bowed to the room. "I will leave now, if it pleases you."

Sebastian waved toward the back door that had opened on its own. The younger demon bowed once more to each of them and took off. He didn't want to be anywhere near this house when they informed the Elder of what had happened here tonight.

"Now, are you going to tell me what happened in my absence?"

A thump came from the floor above them and Sebastian reached out to his mate.

"Your Master is a little...unhinged this evening."

"A passing occurrence." He waved it off and turned back to the others.

"Your mate seems rather attached to him, boy. That could be a problem."

"An unfortunate reality that is being dealt with, I assure you. Why are you stalling?"

"Very well," Haagenti sighed and waved them all to sit. "You're mate received a visit this evening from a Grell Sutcliff."

Sebastian rolled his eyes as he took the seat that his mate had sat in. He could still feel the warmth from her body on the cushion.

"You see, even he brushes the incident off." The reaper took a sip from his now cold cup.

"Undertaker. Would you like to tell him the rest of it then?"

The reaper leaned forward. "The Council admits that Grell attacked Serena using his deathscythe with the intent to collect her soul. However, the Council responded to this threat and your mate was unharmed by the night's events."



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