After that I need a cigarette..

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After Lizzy had left the salon, Serena felt an undeniable urge. Leaving the warm and cozy room, she struck out across the hall. The dining room held the door that was easiest to get to the servants' part of the house. Leaving the splendor of the Earl's living area, the red head went down the halls that were almost as familiar as the noble's rooms.

He was in the kitchen. Exactly as she had anticipated. He wasn't paying attention, mixing something in a large bowl. When she touched his shoulder, the man jumped.

"Oh, Miss Serena. Can I get you something?" Bardroy set down the bowl and wiped his hands on the towel hanging from his apron.

"Yes actually. Where are your cigarettes?"

"I'm sorry?"

"Where are your cigarettes?" She added a slight glare, hoping to intimidate him. It didn't work, but then again, he was a full head taller than her.

"Now, Miss. I really don't think that smoking is something that you need to be taking up. It's not something that a lady like yourself should do."

Serena grabbed the front of his white jacket and hauled him forward. Bard yelled but the look on her face made him focus.

"Look, I just spent the whole morning explaining to Lizzy what it is that makes Ciel not want to spend time with her, as well as what she needs to do to fix it. I want a cigarette and you constantly have one hanging out of your mouth. Now, where are your cigarettes?" She kept eye contact as the soldier weighed his options.

"Inside pocket."

She kept a hold of his jacket with one hand while the other delved into the jacket and pulled out a half full pack. Pulling out one, white stick, Serena smelled the tobacco and sighed.

"Oh, my old friend." She put the stick between her lips and looked at the cook expectantly. He hurried to light a match for her, afraid that she would start looking for one herself. The girl inhaled deeply.

"Thank you." She said, letting the smoke out.

"Miss, smoking is a very bad habit."

"I know. I know. After this, I am right back off it." She took another drag and felt herself relax farther. "I hate teenagers. I even hated myself as a teenager. Everything is life and death. So much drama. Just deal with it and move on, damn."

Bard laughed and went back to his bowl.

"Well, I guess that I can't say much. Lately, my life has been nothing but drama. It started when I came here."

"It normally does. There's something about this place that makes the unusual come out in everyone." He waved the whisk to encompass the house.

"What are you making anyway?" Serena tried to peek over his shoulder.

"It's a surprise." He moved so that the contents weren't seen.

'I should probably warn Sebastian about this.' The red head tried again and was blocked again.

'Warn me about what, my mate?'

'Bard is cooking a surprise.'

She heard a sigh in her head. 'I will deal with it. What are you doing in the kitchen?'

'Just needed a break from the angst.'

'The kitchen is no place for a lady.'

'Not a lady, remember. I'm the old maid that gets to be chaperone for the young and stupid teenagers.'

'I would not call you an old maid.' She could hear the suggestion in his voice and felt a blush come over her cheeks. 'You know what you said earlier about cats was incorrect.'

'Shut up. It sounded good and that's all that matters.'

"Miss Serena, are you alright?" Bard's question broke her concentration.

"I'm fine." She threw the cigarette out the small window above the counter. "Thank you, Bard. I'm ready to face them again now."

The cook shook his head as she smiled and walked out of the room without another word.

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