Cat Fight in the making

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After lunch, the rest of the house had returned and were occupying themselves in the servants' rooms. Serena had managed to talk Ciel out of his office and into the billiards room where they were currently playing pool. What had started as a friendly game had quickly dissolved into a bet. If Ciel won, Serena would make him another batch of her cookies to keep all for himself. She reminded him that Sebastian was perfectly capable to make them whenever he wanted.

"But, I want you to make them." He had pointed the stick at her.

"You think that will keep me out of your hair for a while and you'll be able to sneak back into your office."

"This time I'll lock the door." The teen looked away, giving the impression that it wasn't the only reason that he wanted her to make him cookies.

"You are awful prickly today. Careful, I'm this close to being offended." She picked up a cue from where it hung on the wall. When she turned back, the Earl was shocked at her serious expression. "But if I win, I get an entire day."

"A day?"

"That's right. If you win, tomorrow I will stay in my room all day and leave you alone to brood to your heart's content. You'll only see me at meal times."


"And I will make you a special batch of cookies." Serena leaned on her stick with a smirk. "But, if I win, you owe me a day. No paperwork, no meetings, no cases."

"And what are we supposed to do with this day?"

The red head thought for moment. She smiled and Ciel stopped that shiver that was building in his spine. "You're going to give me a personal tour of London."

She watched as he twitched at her terms. The red head could almost hear the wheels turning in his head as the Earl weighed his odds as well as the consequences.


That was an hour ago. The two had stayed point for point the entire game. It didn't help Ciel's concentration when Serena would jump onto the table and stretch to sink a particularly difficult ball. He blushed and fought off an itch in his hands to touch every time. It was only his natural aptitude for games and strategy that had kept him in the game this long. He found that Serena could be easily distracted by talking when she was taking her shot and used it to make up for his own misses. They were down to the last ball and each had missed once already because of the other's distraction tactics.


Both jumped as Sebastian walked in, the Earl bumping the table enough to move the balls a little. They had been so caught up in the game that neither had heard the butler coming. Serena took the opportunity presented by the new arrangement on the table to sink the last ball. Ciel stared at the table in disbelief as the girl laughed.

"I win." Serena smirked at him.

The Earl rubbed his forehead as the weight of his defeat sunk in.

"What is it, Sebastian?"

"Lady Elizabeth is here to see you, Master."

"What?" The bet was instantly forgotten as he set his cue down across the table.

"Well, it looks like you'll get rid of me for the day anyway." Serena picked up his cue and set them both back in the wall rack. He vaguely nodded and walked out.

"I escorted her to the salon, Master." Sebastian bowed as the Earl passed him and followed behind.

"Very well. We'll have tea, Sebastian. I'm sure that she will be staying for a while."

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