The Date

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A week after he asked, Midnight and Star Catcher went on their first date together. They went for dinner, rode the swan boats, and identified their favorite constellations while lying on the grass. The two couldn't be any happier. Midnight hopes his baby sister Nightingale never finds out that he's dating the hired wizard. If she did, if she found out and told their mom, he'd be done for. He has to keep it a secret, but how? He'll figure that out tomorrow. Right now, he has to get home before either his mom or his sister realize he's been gone all night.

The two part ways. She returns to the library for some late night studying  and he returns to the castle. He hops back in bed before his mother, that is Luna, even realizes that he was gone all night. He got back just in time. His mom didn't even realize he was gone. He's relieved, he sighs a sigh of relief and falls right to sleep while all night dreaming about Star Catcher.

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