Day Three of being Savior of Ponyville

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It's day three of Rich being the savior of Ponyville. There's now a statue of him in the center of the town. Now, he's got to admit, it's really gone too far. "Why a statue? Why such overkill?" He asks Princess Twilight Sparkle.
"You think us honoring you with a statue is overkill?" Says Twilight.
"It's not just the statue, it's free cupcakes and the constantness of the cheerleaders following us everywhere, I saved you, yes that's true, but this is taking that fact way to far."
"How about this?" Says Twilight, "how about we leave you with the medal, and get rid of the statue? We'll also tell the cheerleaders to stop and I'll personally tell Pinkie to treat you normally. Do we have a deal?"
"It's a deal," replies Rich.
Twilight follows up on her word and the statue is moved back to Canterlot and is put in the Hall of Honorable Ponies there. The cheerleaders aren't following him everywhere anymore and Pinkie has stopped giving him free sweets except when he actually wants them. Everything is back to normal and he likes that. In all honesty, the medal is thanks enough. He's still a hero, it's just not plastered everywhere anymore and that's the best part of all.

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