A Concert and a Second Date

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The next week seems to fly by and Friday has soon returned. Rarity has the tickets and VIP passes ready to go. She can't wait until tonight. It's just going to be her and Cobbler enjoying a concert together.

That evening, Cobbler picks Rarity up at 4:30 and they head to the concert. Around 5:00, they arrive and thirty minutes later, the concert begins. Rara kicks it off with her new song as her husband Spotlight adjusts the lighting. "Hello, Ponyville!" Says Rara, "It's good to be back home! This song I'm about to sing for you is called "Truly Me". She begins to sing, "Simple braid, best friends, fun times that never end. Equestria the land I love, my home. Applejack always has my back. We are always there for each other. Friends make life worth living for. These are truly the things that make me truly me. No more artificial looks, no fog, no smoke, no mirrors, no veils, this is who I am and I love it. AJ and her friends made me see what I'd become and they helped me realize my true purpose. Now all you can see is the real me, the true me. Camping, canoeing, hanging out, cracking jokes, I'm a pony just like you. I'm a pony just like you. These are truly the things that make me truly me. These are truly the things that make me truly me!" Once she finishes, everyone gives a standing ovation. They all enjoyed the new song, especially Applejack who came back to Ponyville just for the concert. She's beaming. Rarity also enjoys the new song as does Cobbler. "Come on," she says dragging him, "let's put these VIP passes to good use." He nods and puts his around his neck. They then go backstage where they meet up with Rara and all the rest of her friends who Rara also gave VIP passes.

"New boyfriend I see," says Rara to Rarity.
"Yeah," sighs Rarity, "Cobbler treats me a whole lot better than Fancy Pants ever did."
"That's good, you chose a good one," says Rara placing her hoof on Rarity's shoulder. Rarity smiles. Rarity and Cobbler and the rest to and find their seats back in the front row except Applejack. Rara really wants Applejack to sing "Equestria the Land I Love" with her when the curtain opens up to which Applejack happily agrees.

The curtain soon opens and Rara and Applejack walk onto the stage. Applejack has her guitar and is ready to go. The two begin to sing together in perfect harmony. Once they finish, they get a standing ovation. The two hug. Everypony cheers. Applejack then returns to take her seat in the crowd and the concert continues on.

The concerts lasts for three more hours before finally drawing to an end. Once it's done, Cobbler walks Rarity home. They can't help but admit that they really enjoyed themselves and both part ways with smiling faces. They both can't wait until their next date.

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