Seven Months Later

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Seven months later, Rarity gives birth to a healthy white earth pony filly with a red mane and tail whom they name Ruby. Gemstone loves baby Ruby and Rarity gladly lets Gemstone hold her baby sister. Gemstone just smiles. She's glad to be a big sister.

Meanwhile, the Wonderbolts are practicing for the Wonderbolt Derby once again. This time Soara is doing it alongside her parents. She's excited. It'll be her first time actually flying in the Derby. Now, they're a family of Wonderbolts and that's all they've ever wanted to be.

Meanwhile, Celestia continues to tell Luna all her secrets and some of the secrets even make Celestia cry. Luna finally tells Celestia to stop doing this to herself. Celestia nods in agreement.

Back at Rarity and Cobbler's, the children are playing with their baby sister. For everypony, it's a great day with maybe the exception of the regal sisters.

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