Children of Flim and Flam

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One day as AJ was working on the farm she and Haybale own in Appleloosa, she spotted Roller, daughter of Flim and Roxie, daughter of Flam playing with her several children and Silver Lining, daughter of Silver Shill. She smiles. She's gotten passed her bad blood with them and is now happy to see their children playing with hers. She smiles as she looks down at her belly. "Another few months and a new filly will be in our lives," she sighs. She then goes back inside. The children all continue to play for hours on end until they finally part ways. AJ asks her children how they enjoy playing with Roller, Roxie, and Silver Lining. "They're plenty 'nough fun!" Reply AJ's children. She's glad but only for a moment before the baby starts to kick. She calls for Haybale and they rush to the hospital. Within the following hour, Rara, Apple Bloom, Big Mack, Cheerilee, and Little Mack arrive. Only a half hour after that, baby Cream Apple is born. She has a cream colored coat and green eyes and pale green mane and tail.
"She has your smile, sis," says Apple Bloom.
"And your freckles," remarks Big Mack which makes AJ laugh.
"She's beautiful just like her mother," says Cheerilee.
"I'm so fortunate to be her godmare," says Rara. "How do you handle so many AJ? I can hardly handle two!"
"It's hectic all the time, always chaos, but the older ones help the younger ones, so it all works out in the end," replies AJ.
AJ still can't help but think that Cream will be her only child to never meet Granny Smith. This makes her sad, but she pushes that aside for now, she's a mother again. It's a time to celebrate. She's just glad her family and best friend are here to support her because after all, family means everything to an Apple. That is something that will never change.

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