Dragonflower Moves to Ponyville

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*Real quick first. Dragonflower is an OC I created for my friend Lily Husband. This chapter is for her. I hope you enjoy. I hope Lily enjoys! And once again, Creativa Artly (my personal OC) is in this chapter. Okay, enjoy!

It's a new day and a new pony has come to town. She has a pink and purple coat with brown, curly mane and tail and a dragon egg cutie mark. Her name is Dragonflower and she's Manehattan and Equestria's first dragontologist. She studies dragons for a living and she's come to Ponyville to continue her studies as it's not that far from the Dragon Lands.
"I'm so glad you're helping me settle in, Creativa," says Dragonflower.
"Anything for a friend," Creativa Artly replies. In one of the boxes, Creativa notices a certain picture. "It's the picture from the day we first met at the Grand Galloping Gala," says Creativa as she holds it up.
"That's my favorite picture of us for that reason," replies Dragonflower. They continue to unpack the boxes and soon Dragonflower is completely moved in. Pinkie is sure to throw a welcome to Ponyville party for her just like she did Creativa Artly when she just came to Ponyville. That much is a guarantee.

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