Celestia Explains

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"Explain sister," says Luna. Celestia sighs. "Okay. Astelle is my, and your, older sister. I am acutely the middle of the three of us. Way before you were born, Luna, Starswirl used to perform for all the ponies and on the side worked with the Elements of Harmony. Eventually, he grew tired of performing end chose a successor, the first was Clover the Clever, a very talented unicorn with an infinity for magic and mystic arts. She did well under his tutelage and performed for the ponies every century when he was absent. Eventually, he decided to choose an heir. The first one he chose was Astelle. Little did he know at the time that he had made a grave mistake. He trained her and blessed her with a horn and then right before he left them, he blessed her with wings and queen's magic. He then reread the prophesy and discovered his mistake. He then took me under his tutelage and a few years later, he'd do the same for you. Years after I'd received my princess magic, horn and wings, Astelle returned. She had a great battle with Starswirl and she was victorious. She turned him into the Tree of Harmony. I then took matters into my own hooves and banished her to the tapestry. Two years after that, you were born. When you were four, he blessed you with your horn. That's also about the time the Alicorn Amulet surfaced."
"That's when Shadow was created," says Luna.
"Yes," replies Celestia, "he's the remaining magical embodiment from the Amulet. When you were nine or so, you received your wings and hence your immortality."
"Shadow watched all that happen," sighs Luna, "he was a brother to me. When you weren't around, he watched me raise the moon as well as the night I earned my cutie mark."
"Several years after that," says Celestia, "the Tantabus consumed you. It had gotten free from Prisma's lab. She had found it in an asteroid and had studied it before it escaped. That's when it devoured your soul, or so I thought, I thought you were gone forever, when it turned you into Nightmare Moon. I had no choice but to banish you to the moon. A thousand years after your banishment, the Mane Six found the elements and used them to free you. I had one sister back, but I had still lost one before."
"Shadow watched my banishment end return," sighs Luna, "I broke my promise to him. I promised I'd never leave him, but now I know it's not all my fault."
"Now you know why I'm overprotective of you, Luna," says Celestia, "I couldn't bear to ever lose you again." Luna hugs her sister who is now in tears and comforts her. "It's all in the past now, Tia, time to let go. Time to let go."

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