Soara's Chance

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It's a beautiful sunny morning and Soara is out practicing. She's taking the opportunity that's been presented to her to do the Wonderbolt Flying Tour. It's the chance of a lifetime, so she's got to practice. Unfortunately, Rainbow got an injury to her wing and can't go with her daughter and husband. Even so, she can support them as they practice.

Three weeks later, Soara and Soaren head off on the tour leaving Rainbow behind. She's going to miss them. Just the same, she knows this is something her daughter has always dreamed about, and she doesn't want to hinder that dream. Rainbow glumly walks to Sugar Cube Corner. If anypony can cheer her up right now, it's Pinkie Pie.

All of a sudden, the bell rings and Rainbow walks through the door. "Why aren't you on the tour?" Asks a shocked and surprised Pinkie.
"Hurt my wing, I can't fly right now," replies Rainbow Dash.
"That's a real shame," replies Pinkie.
"Yeah," sighs Rainbow.
"Are Soaren and Soara on the tour?" Asks Pinkie.
"Yes," sighs Rainbow, "they'll be gone for a few months. Meanwhile, I'm stuck here, grounded with nowhere to go."
"Sorry Rainbow, really I am," says Pinkie, "but I could use an extra hoof here at the bakery."
"Okay, I'll help you out, but only until my wing is healed," says Rainbow.

Meanwhile, Soara and Soaren are on the first stop of the tour, Las Pegasus. Soaren can't help but think about Rainbow. He knows Rainbow hates that she's missing this. He sighs as he takes to the sky alongside his daughter and the other Wonderbolts.

They continue to tour the rest of Equestria for several more months before finally returning home. After a good three months, they are finally home. Rainbow greets her husband and daughter with a giant hug. She missed them so much and wants to know all about the tour. They tell her everything. Just the same, she wishes she could have been there, that she had never hurt her wing. Then again, there's always the spring tour just around the corner for her to look forward to as they continue to tell her all about what happened.

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