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Tazza's POV

The ceremony had ended and I received all gold's first try and a big shiny trophy and the whole of Jamaica and some parts of the world behind me. It was time to head back to the coach when I was stopped, I turned around to see a body being supported by crutches. It was Ella.

"Hey Tazz, you did brilliantly out there.... Listen I'm sorry for being such a bad friend towards to and infant turning against you, when you helped me backs there I felt the guilt just overcome me and I couldn't hold back pretending to hate you anymore. You helped me get here and I- I just want my best friend back"

Her voice was low, soothing I could see she was upset and desperate for a reply. A good reply.

"I'm sorry for being a bad friend too, we just got too focused. I miss my bestfriend too, forgive me?" I said a faint smile on my face.

"Only if you forgive me?" She said letting out a small giggle.

"Of course" she dropped her crutches and threw her arms around me.

"Tazz, it's time to go" my Dad said holding my arm.

"I'll see you at the GMA awards" I smiled at her.

"I'll see you there"

I headed to the door before I was stopped by a familiar voice I turned around and it was Cristiano, Cristiano Ronaldo.

"Hey Cristiano, what's up?" I said smiling at him who towered over me.

(Imagining Cristiano is a lot younger but still looks the same)

"I just came over before you left to say you did amazing today and I'm so proud that my favourite won all golds" he said in his amazing hispanic accent making me blush because he called me the best out of all the girls he was friends with, we had a special bond. He was different around me than around other women and I was different around him than other men.

"Thank you Cris" I smiled.

"So listen, do you wanna be my hand for the GIA's?" He said scratching the back of his head obviously feeling awkward, I saw him start to blush.

"Of course Cristiano! I'd love to" I said a huge smile on my face.

"Okay I'll pick you up at 7" he flared his white teeth, making me flutter.

"Okay, bye Ron" I hugged him and he wrapped his arms around my waist tight and we swayed side to side.

"Bye Tazz" he kissed my forehead, cheek then neck causing me to squeal because he knew I was ticklish there.

I began walking out the door, fully aware that the paparazzi saw me and Cristiano but I didn't care. I turned my head back to look at him one last time and saw he was standing there admiring me and clenching his jaw, winking at me and flexed his muscles trying to be sexy but bursting out in laughter making me have a huge smile, I then disappeared into the crowd.


It was 15 minutes before I had to leave and my make up artists and hair stylist were making sure that everything was in place.

I wore a beautiful two part dress that had diamontes on the top part and split at the top of each side of my hips, showing my legs as I walked but a piece of material hung by my crotch and to the bottom of in-between my legs (Media)

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I wore a beautiful two part dress that had diamontes on the top part and split at the top of each side of my hips, showing my legs as I walked but a piece of material hung by my crotch and to the bottom of in-between my legs (Media). I wore natural make up but had a darker brown in the creases of my eyes with eyeliner, mascara and bright red lipstick. My hair was down and it's natural long curls that hung to mid-way of my back and it's natural ombre colour of dark brown to golden blonde, I wore a diamond headband that pushed my hair back slightly and made me look like a queen. I had exclusive louboutins that were a light beige with a gold plating on the outside of the heel and the famous red sole. I looked into the mirror and grabbed my clasp bag that contained my keys, phone and money if I was to go out later. This was the first time the world had seen me dressed up and they were already calling me beautiful when I was all sweaty in training.

I heard the doorbell ring and I opened it with my controller and there stood security telling me that Cristiano was ready and waiting downstairs. I unlocked my phone and text Trish that I was leaving now as she was going in hand of Brian Pruett, American Baseball player. My phone started ringing and it was from my Dad.

"Hey Dad"

"Hey T, You heading off now?"

"Yeah, Cris is waiting downstairs"

"Ah, Genette sent me a picture of you after you were ready, you look gorgeous!"

"Thank You Dad, I feel good to be honest" I smiled.

"Well you best head off now, enjoy your night! I'll be watching you and Ronaldo receiving your medals!"

"Okay Bye Dad! Thanks for everything!" I said enthusiastically.

"Bye Tazz!"

I then hung up and walked out the door, following the security to the elevator, we got in and shortly arrived to the lobby and saw Cristiano standing there sorting out his sleeves. He look gorgeous and was wearing a black suit with a black bow tie. He turned his head as he noticed me and his face looked shocked, I could tell his heart was going crazy.

"T-Taaa-Tazz wow, you look beautiful" He said short of words making me blush.

"And you look extremely handsome" I winked at him.

He kissed my cheek and I clung to his arm he was still taller than me even though I wore 6-inch heels. we walked out of Canary Wharf and paparazzi was everywhere flashing lights in our faces, screaming questions Cristiano just clung to me tighter causing me to look up at him to find he was already looking at me smiling to reassure me. We got to his matte black lamborghini aventador and he opened the door for me and I quickly hopped in, he shut the door and ran around getting into the drivers seat. He started the glorious car and sped off towards the GIA's.


We arrived to the GIA's and I could already see cameras flashing, Cristiano opened the door for me and helped me out. I stood up pulling down my dress as he shut the door after me, I looked around to see my heart drop, there stood Simon with Holland Roden having their picture taken in front of the GIA's poster.

"Don't worry about him, tonight is your night" Cristiano smiled at me taking my hand and I responded back with a smile.

We headed to the poster and waited for Simon and Holland to stop taking photos, once they were done Simon turned and looked at me and Cristiano and we gave him nothing but a cold stare. We took to the platform and took photos, Ronaldo wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck, I felt his hand slowly get lower so I looked straight at him, our foreheads almost touching.

"I guess you can call me Nemo, because I'm never afraid to touch the butt" He smirked at me.

I burst out laughing my straight white teeth glaring, the joke was so cheesy but so perfect. Even though I was extremely attracted to Cristiano and it was my dream to meet him I still had Simon in the back of my mind.

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