Generally Happy

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Mitch was a generally happy person, he lived life to the fullest and enjoyed every moment of it. He didn't let his disability get in the way. Sure, some days it may have affected him more than others, making him feel small and useless, but other than these few days, he was perfectly fine. He avoided it as much as he could.

He couldn't talk. He was mute.

He was fourteen when he woke up one morning, unable to produce any words, or even a sound.

His parents were terrified, immediately rushed him to the hospital in horror. They told them he was mute and would most likely be for a long, long time.

Mitch was making progress. When first diagnosed, he couldn't make a noise. No grunts, moans, groans, yelps, or even a noise when crying. It was almost impossible. Almost four years later, he could say some words.

He could say yes and no, mom and dad, and superman for some weird reason. His next goal was to be able to say "Kirstie". It was his best friends name. He had gotten to about "Kir..." and gave up.

He walks into his kitchen, a smile across his face that warms his parents heart every time they see it.

"Good morning, honey!" His mother greets, making Mitch smile brighter. He hugs her, trying his best to let her know that he wants to say the same, but his parents already know that.

His dad places a plate of breakfast in front of him, a waffle with a few strawberries on top.

"Ready for your first day back, Mitch?" He asks Mitch. Mitch nods.

"Yes." He says simply, only because he just couldn't say anymore. His dad smiles, his parents did whenever he said any type of word or made a noise.

The front door barges open, revealing a short girl with blonde hair that Mitch recognized as Kirstie. She hugs him after stealing a bite of his waffle.

"Mmmm, Mike waffles are the best!" She yells.

"How did you know I made them?" Mitch's dad asks.

"How many times have you made them for me?"

"Touché." Mitch chuckles, finishing the last few bites of his breakfast and handing his dad the empty plate for him to put into the dish washer. He takes it with a smile and they say there goodbyes.

Mitch follows Kirstie to her car, getting into the passengers side. She gives him a light peck before starting the car up and driving out of the driveway and away from the house.

"So, I know this kid that went to a private school last year and is now going to the same school as us. He is really sweet. Can I introduce you two? I want him to join our little friend group, he'd fit in well." Mitch's nods.

"Yeah." He says.

"And he isn't shy, so beware." Mitch moves his fingers and hand, indicating the words "I am shy". He had been learning sign language, but wasn't very good at it. Kirstie had learned it as soon as he was diagnosed to be able to communicate with him.

"I know you're shy, Mitchy. It's okay, I'll be with you." She grabs his hand, making the boy smile and intertwine theirs fingers.


They reach the school, walking up until they meet with Esther and Avi. They both share hugs with him and his sister before spotting Kevin. They all hug.

"We are reunited, bitches!" Kirstie yells, everyone cheering except Mitch who was just smiling like a mad man. They all join together for a group hug.

"Kit!" We hear from behind us. Kirstie turns around before running full speed at a tall boy and jumping into his arms. Mitch immediately thinks that Kirstie had a thing with this boy and simply didn't tell him. He drops it at the given moment.

"Guys, this is Scott!" Kirstie introduces. "He is blonde too! We like blondes!" She says randomly, causing us to laugh. Scott shakes hands with everyone, asking everyone's names.

Mitch immediately got nervous when he asked Mitch for his. He couldn't say it. Most people were shocked that he had learnt to say other things, but not his own name.

"Hello?" He says to Mitch. Kirstie pulls Scott's arms, whispering things into his ear that most likely related to Mitch's disability. Scott apologizes to Mitch and he nods, a smile taking the place on his face again.

Scott sighs in relief that he hadn't offended the boy, going back to Kirstie to talk with her.

"Hey, Mitchy. How was your summer?" Kevin asks him. Mitch shoots him a thumbs up and a smile. "Good. We have fourth and sixth period together, right?" Mitch nods.

The bell chimes, indicating the start of the day. Mitch receives a few hugs from other friends, not as close as his main group of friends were. Some high fives and quick "hellos" from acquaintances.

He makes it to his class, taking a seat next to Avi and waiting for the teacher to begin speaking. He introduces himself, explains what he expects from us this year.

"Hey, Mitchy." He hears Avi whisper. He looks to Avi. "Kirstie's after school? Me, you, Kevin, Esther, and that new Scott kid?" He nods, writing on a small slip of paper and handing it to him.

Obviously, dad.

Avi laughs at him, already being used to Mitch's sense of humor and personality. Mitch winks playfully, putting his attention back to his teacher.


Mitch hated fifth period. Mainly because all of his friends had chorus, a class he couldn't take. Sure, he could hum, but not for long or even say the words. He wanted to be able to sing, he loved singing before the day he was unable to speak anymore.

Kirstie tells him that it's a curse and a blessing, that the feeling will be so amazing when he can talk again.

Mitch isn't even sure he will ever be able to talk, he really doubts it sometimes. Kirstie always says he will, but he can never know for sure. No one could.

So he sits in his technology class, not knowing very many people and hoping that someone he did know would barge in and save the day. He was sure that wouldn't happen, it was nearly impossible.

All of the kids just sit on their phones, including Mitch who was texting Kirstie and telling her that he was wanting to be with her.

She reminded him that there was only two class period left before they all went to Kirstie's house and had fun, which left him looking at the clock, counting down the time until the school day ended.

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