I Still Care About You

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He didn't stop.

Mitch yelled, and screamed, and tried to escape his grip, but he wouldn't stop it. He tried saying "help" or "stop" but nothingness came out instead.

But Travis knew he wanted him to stop, but Travis didn't want to stop. He wanted to keep going. He made Mitch cry. He made Mitch terrified. He made Mitch never want to see him again. He made Mitch force himself into sex that was unwanted.

He made Mitch realize something he should've a long time ago.

He needed Scott. Scott was so much better for him. He was kind, and caring, and so, so amazing. And Mitch completely let him go.

But Scott didn't want Mitch anymore. He had shut him out. Mitch didn't know what to do. Did he tell Kirstie of all of his issues? He could call the cops, but that was too intimidating for Mitch to put up with.

"Are you okay?" Kirstie asks, noticing something wrong in the boys attitude. Mitch lets one tear fall. "Mitch, baby, what wrong?" And then more fall, until he couldn't stop them.

"G-gu..n...uggggh." He tries to say "gone" as in he wants Travis gone. "Superman."

"Scott? What about him."

"I-I.." Mitch was having trouble even producing a sound, so he takes a piece of paper on Kirstie's desk.

I want to leave Travis.


You don't want to know.


She wanted to know.

Mitch told her, and she all but went and murdered Travis if it weren't for Mitch stopping her. She was mad. She threw things and yelled at Mitch. Telling him he shouldn't of gotten himself into this, and she was right. Mitch knew what happened the first time. Why would this be different?

He shakes his head, trying to put his focus back to his teacher, but soon finding his glance in Scott instead.

He watches as Scott looks intently at the board, fidgeting with a pair of glasses on his face. He writes a few things down, then looks back at the board.

He even takes a look at Mitch. And he doesn't look away. Mitch looks at him with sad eyes, while Scott looks back at him with the same expression. And Mitch wanted to cry. He wanted to cry and scream and yell. He wanted the whole world to know how much he fucked up. He just wanted Scott back.

When the bell rings, Mitch finds himself running up to Scott and tapping his shoulder. Scott turns around, and Mitch forces his arms around his taller frame. He didn't care if he didn't hug back, he just needed Scott right now.

But much to Mitch's surprise, Scott sighed before placing his arms around Mitch. He pulls him to the side before pulling away.

"Superman..." Mitch whispers.

"Did you need to talk to me?" Scott asks in a sweet tone, one Mitch hadn't heard in awhile. Mitch nods. "We need to get to class, but I can take to my place after school, okay? Kirstie didn't tell me everything, but she said you're really going through stuff. While I'm not very happy with you, I still care about you and am here when you need to talk. Meet me by my car after school."


The drive to Scott's house was silent, but fitting. Scott had almost held Mitch hand in the car, but stopped himself from doing anything.

The walk into Scott's room wasn't that bad either. It was still silent.

But as soon as they enter it, Mitch lost it. When he sat on the bed that was so familiar to him, his head fell into his hands and tears rushed from his eyes.

And Scott didn't freak out or anything. He simply say next to him, and rubbed his back. He would brush his hair from his face a few times, and he then left his hand on Mitch thighs.

When Mitch calmed down, he grabbed his notebook.

I hate him. I hate him, Scott, and I don't know what to do.

"I know, baby. I knew this would happen. What did he do?"

I didn't want sex. He did. He didn't let me have my way.

"He..." Mitch nods. Scott lips press into a firm line, and Mitch was shocked when he didn't freak out. "I'm not going to do anything. Not right now, at least. You need me and you need me to be calm. I'm here for you right now, no one else."

I need you back in my life. I don't know in what aspect, but at least back to how we were.

"No. I know what aspect. We would be friends, Mitch. If that's okay with you, I'm willing to look past things and maybe talk about them later. I know you're in a really bad spot right now and you really need me." Mitch nods.

Friends. I like that.

"Okay. Good. I missed you..."

God, I missed you too. I couldn't function without you.

Mitch finds himself in Scott's arms again, this time lying down on the bed. Scott rubs his back and let's the small boy fall asleep in his arms. He knew Mitch had to of been exhausted, so he let him sleep.


Mitch was informed of the hospital trip the next day.

Travis was in the hospital. He had several bruises all over his body, a fractured elbow, and a swollen eye. He looked horrifying.

Mitch shows the pictures to Scott, and he tenses and looks away.


He writes in his notebook.


Did you...?

Scott doesn't say anything. He looks down in embarrassment. Mitch pulls his head up, making him look him in the eye. Mitch eyes show fear.

"I didn't know I would hurt him that much! It's just, he hurt you again and I was so mad and wanted him to know what it felt like. I barely hurt him! That wasn't my intention, Mitch. I didn't think I would put him in the hospital!" Mitch shakes his head, scratching the back of his head.

I can't believe....

"I'm sorry, Mitch. Please don't leave. I'm so sorry."

I know. My parents are probably wondering where I am.

"Please don't go..." And Mitch walks out of the door.

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