A Nice Boy

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2,000 reads!? Oh my, I love you guys so much. Thank you all.

Mitch: I miss hanging out with you :(

Scott clicks on the notification, bringing him to his text screen. He smiles at the words, placing his fingers on different letters to reply.

Scott: Right back at you, Mitchy.

Mitch: only one D left. Then I can be with you whenever I want again xoxo

Scott: Can't wait :)

Scott puts his phone down and turns the TV on. He doesn't change the channel, as Sponge Bob was already playing.

So no, nothing inappropriate really happened that night when Mitch decided he wanted to be "naughty Mitch". Yes, he did want Scott to send pretty interesting pictures of his lower region, but didn't push Scott when he didn't want to.

Let's just say, Mitch was horny and it made Scott a little horny as well. Mitch had that effect on him.

Mitch: Gotta go. Mom caught me on my phone and said I need to be doing homework and extra credit. See you tomorrow? Love ya.

Scott: Absolutely and want me to bring you Starbucks?

Mitch: Yes!!! Thanks, daddy!

Scott: It's no prob. Go do your work now.

Mitch: Alright. Bye babe.

Scott: Bye.

Scott laughs. He hears the front door open up. He quickly hops out of his bed and opens the door, revealing his parents. He smiles and hugs them, he never really saw them.

"Oh my god, hey! Why are you guys home?" Scott asks.

"We wanted to see you! How is school? Any boyfriend?"

"No boyfriend. School is fine."

"That's to bad. Anyone should love to be your boyfriend."

"It's complicated."

"Well, anyways. I ran into that old boyfriend of yours. Alex? Why did you guys break up? He was such a nice boy."

"I was leaving the school."

"But what if I tell you he is going to your school now..."

"I'd say your crazy."


This wasn't a good surprise. He broke up with Alex because he felt their relationship wasn't developing. They acted like really close friends that occasionally kissed.

"So, what do you think? Are you and him going to hit it off again?"

"No, no, no. We'd be just friends, mom."

"Oh. Why?"

"I just don't like him like that anymore."

"Good luck with that. Do you have any homework or anything?"

"No. I finished it at Kirstie's."

"Why do you always go to that girls house but no one ever comes here?" She didn't even know about Mitch and how often he came over.

"Because her house is amazing."


Plan "Avoid Alex at all cost" was in motion.

He just had to make it through the rest of the year without finding Alex. Shouldn't be a problem! Except if they had classes together, or the same lunch, or somehow decided to use the bathroom at the same time.

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