We Never Happened

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Kind of random? I would say it's a filler, but part of it was needed for the plot. Enjoy!

Mitch needed to get home before his parents knew he was gone. He wasn't supposed to be at his friends house. Once he realized he'd forgotten, he instantly grabbed his notebook and explained it to Kirstie. She understood and took him home and luckily his parents weren't there yet.

They got home only ten minutes later.

Mitch grabs his phone, seeing a text that someone had sent him. It was from Travis and he could feel himself tense up.

Travis: I already left. I'm not going to tell you where I'm going, but it's pretty far. Sorry for ruining your life. Sorry for trying to ruin you and Scott. I'm really sorry. I won't be in your life anymore. Just know that I love you. I always did and was just really bad at showing you. I used you and hurt you when you didn't deserve it. So don't answer this, block my number, and you won't have to deal with my sad excuse of a life anymore. I hope you have an amazing life, Mitch. Good bye.

Mitch felt multiple things. Uneasy, relieved, and confused were just a few. Did he really mean what he said? Was he actually sorry? He loved him?

Mitch didn't know whether to believe it or not. Hell, he didn't know if Travis was actually leaving. What if he came back?

Mitch didn't reply, just like Travis had said. Not that he would have replied anyway. He had nothing to say to that

He runs a hand through his hair and let's out a stressed sigh. His bedroom door is opened, revealing Mitch's mom.

"Hey, honey." She says. She stops when she sees the mess. "Again?"

Again? Mitch never knew this happened before. He knows he had a panic attack, but this was his first one.

Or so he thought. He couldn't remember the others, so to Mitch, this appears to be his first one.

"It's okay, baby. I know how you get. You can wait a little bit and get some rest. I just wanted to come up here and say thank you for being so cooperative. We rarely have to punish you and your grades are already improving. You don't have any F's. Only two D's, 3 C's, a B, and an A. A week and you surely are improving. Just get those D's up and you can start going back to Kirstie's." Mitch smiles at her and the thought of being with his friends again. Well, being with his friends because he could, not because he couldn't control his mental state.

"I love you, Mitch." She says. Mitch nods, giving her the heart symbol with his hands. She smiles at him before pulling him into a hug.

"Soooo, any new boy you have your eye on?" She says, a small wink in her left eye. Mitch chuckles slightly.

"Noooo." He says, exaggerating the "o".

"Why not? What happened to Scott?" Mitch grabs his notebook.

Me and Scott never happened.

That was a lie, but it was meant to be kept a secret from his parents. He didn't like getting them involved in his love life, even if he did have a major crush on him.

"Oh please. I see the way you look at each other. Why doesn't he come over more?" Mitch shrugs. He knew the answer. He was always at Scott's house because his parents weren't home.

"I like him. He is a sweet boy."

He's the sweetest.

"So why don't you like him? He is totally your type."

My type? I didn't know I had a type...

"Everyone has a type. Yours is simple, though. Your type is: boys!" Mitch breaks down laughing. She wasn't wrong. His mom starts laughing as well.

Oh, Nel, you are too funny!

"Did you just call me by my real name?"

Of course I did, Nel!

"Oh, I can call you by your real name as well, Mitchell." Mitch cringes. He hated when people used his real name. It was just Mitch, not Mitchell. He sounds to prim and proper with his full name.

I'm sorry, mom! No more calling you Nel! I'm Mitch. That's it.

She chuckles. "That's what I thought."


He walks into school, not knowing if he wanted to go over to his friends or not. He was embarrassed, because it was his first panic attack and he had been seen by them.

He decides on going over to them. If he can't see them outside of school, he surely would during school.

Scott runs over to him, immediately pulling him into a hug.

"My, Mitchy!" He yells, acting completely normal, as if nothing had happened. Mitch chuckles, hugging him back. Scott laughs a little as well, but shortly lets go of Mitch. He hugs everyone else, and then watches as they watch him.

"Are you okay?" Kirstie asks. Mitch shrugs, opening his notebook to her.

Are you guys, like, gonna judge me? I couldn't control it. I swear. I didn't mean too...

"We know, honey. You've had them before."

Wait, what? That was my first one.

Kirstie looks over to Scott. "This was the talk I was afraid of." She said to him.

What talk?

He looks around nervously. She was afraid of a certain "talk"? What could it be about?

"You've had so many panic attacks that I can't even count anymore. But, the only thing different about this one, is that you remembered it. You never remember them. It always somehow leaves your brain. But this one didn't, so when you remembered, it was like it being your first time."

"Oh." Mitch says, looking down.

I'm sorry, he writes.

"Don't apologize. We don't judge. We are by your side through everything, babe. We have seen it before and still love you like crazy."

I'm still sorry you have to deal with it.

The bell rings and the group splits up. As Mitch walks down the hall, he feels a figure skip up to him.

"So." Scott says. "I was thinking that we needed to have a movie night on Saturday. No more drama talk, just popcorn and cuddling. Sound good? Ooh! Maybe we can watch the new Sponge Bob mov-"

"Superman!" Mitch interrupts. He opens his notebook yet again.

I can't hang out this weekend. My grades, remember?

"Oh, yeah. Now I'm sad. I miss you!" Mitch chuckles.

We aren't going to the same class. Don't be late, stud.

"I'll be okay. I'll walk you to class." Mitch turns in front of Scott, putting a hand on his chest to stop him. He points in the opposite direction, indicating for Scott to go to class.

"But I like walking with you."

But I don't want you to be late because of me.

"So if I am not late, you'll be happy?" Mitch nods. "Then as long as you're happy, I am." He shoots Mitch a large smile before running off in the other direction. Mitch laughs at him as he enters his class, not so excited about raising the D he currently bad.

Time for some extra credit!

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