Stumbling Over

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Three more months. Three months until high school was over. Three months left to decide on what he wanted to do, where he wanted to go, and who he would do it all with.

Scott was scared shitless.

Kirstie was going to move somewhere in California, Kevin had been accepted into Yale, Avi was staying in Texas, and Mitch still hadn't informed Scott on what he was doing yet. He wanted to know Mitch's plans before making his own.

"You're really going to Yale, Kev?" Scott asks. Kevin nods, pressing his lips into a firm line. "That's like...far."

"Yeah. I can't miss this opportunity, though."

"And Avi is staying in Texas. That's already two friends that I'm losing. I'm pretty sure Alex is going to Arizona, so make that three."

"You'll be okay. We will all have a big meet up and see each other again. I promise."

"Next thing you know, Mitch is gone too. Then it's just me and Kirstie."

"Mitch won't leave you, Scott. Trust me. He is not going to be anywhere but by your side."

"Until he gets this amazing opportunity like you did and leaves like its nothing." Kevin shakes his head, not knowing what to say. A teacher snaps at them both, motioning them too stop talking and focus on their assignment, even though there was about thirty seconds until lunch.

The bell rings and the boys take off to the cafeteria, taking the seats where they usually did. Scott gives Mitch a small hug.

"Hey, honey." Scott greets to Mitch, watching as he picks around his plate.

"Hi, Superman." Scott smiles, taking out his water bottle and taking two gulps from it.

Kirstie engulfs everyone in a conversation about hair, occasionally making one or two people feel hers. She would even feel other people's at times.

Kirstie runs her hand through Jeremy's hair, causing him to laugh. She explains how soft his hair is. Everyone chuckles at the comment that was supposed to go unnoticed.

Then Mitch hops up from his seat and runs through the door, leaving the group confused on his sudden exit. Scott gets up to follow, but Kirstie grabs him arm and forces him to stop.

"Leave him, Scott." Kirstie says.

"What do you mean, "leave him"? I can't do that! What if he is having a panic attack or something?"

"I know him better than anyone else. He isn't having a panic attack. He wouldn't be able to react like that and leave, trust me. He is just having a moment, okay?" Scott reluctantly sits down, watching the door for when Mitch would return.

Alex pats Scott on the shoulder, telling him that Mitch would be alright. Scott nods, not really listening to him.

A few minutes later, Mitch comes back in. He slowly sits back down, a hand in his stomach and head down. Scott doesn't pressure him to answer any questions, though. He just reassuringly places his hand on to Mitch's thigh, letting him know that he is there if Mitch needed to talk.

Mitch throws his garbage into the trash can before all but falling over on his way back. Scott grabs him before he could.

"Are you okay?" Scott asks. Mitch nods, grabbing his head. "You look dizzy."

"I am." Scott leads Mitch back to his seat after trying to convince him to go to the clinic. He refused to.

Scott didn't necessarily believe Mitch when he said he was okay. He has been acting a little off all day, and now he was running out of the room and stumbling over at lunch. It just wasn't normal.

This morning when they had greeted, he was dead silent. Now this was more silent than usual. He didn't say hi to anyone, no smile, no hugs, and not even a small noise. Nothing. Kirstie snapped him it if it, got him to say a few things, but not much.

He also refused to go up the stairs. He wanted to go up them alone. Scott didn't understand the issue, they went to the stairs together just about everyday, why would it change for no reason?

Someone taps on Scott's shoulder. It was Kirstie, asking if he was okay.

"Yeah, why?"

"The bell rang and you're still sitting their. Everyone left." She says, pointing at the door. "I mean, we have choir. It doesn't matter if we're late if you want to stay and talk a bit?"

"Is Mitch okay?"

"He is just moody today. I always tell you this, but I'll tell you again, stop worrying about him."

"I cant just not worry about him, Kirstie. That's not what friends do."

"Don't start with me on that. I've been his best friend for seven years and we are fine."

"But you do worry about him."

"Not when he is in a mood like this. He does this a lot, trust me, he is fine. If he isn't, he'd tell me or you. I know him better than he knows himself."

"I guess you're right. It's just, I've never seen him really act like this before. He almost fell over! I think he is sick or something."

"He told me he wasn't feeling well this morning. I'm sure it's nothing."

"You're his best friend. Whatever you say, Kit."

"Let's get to class before a janitor walks in here or something." Kirstie pecks his cheek and grabs his hand, leading him to the chorus room quickly.

As they walk, Scott sees a familiar figure standing outside, leaning against a locker. Blonde hair, short, and extremely small frame.


Something was wrong. Mitch didn't have the same class as the rest of them, he had to of been skipping.

"Kirstie." Scott stops her walking. "Look." He shows her to where he was just looking, but he was gone. Scott looks around in confusion, he was just there a second ago.

"Okay. That was creepy." Scott says.

"What was? What are you talking about, Scott?"

"Mitch! He was right there, I swear! Now he is gone!"

"I think you're seeing things."

"I'm not."

"Let's just get back to class, you big dud."

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