Want To Talk

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You guys make me feel so amazing! 9 comments in about an hour on my last chapter? Love you guys :).

Mitch's feet moved through the halls of the school, not wanting to be back after a long winter break.

His New Years was good. He spent it with his family and the Maldonado family. The two families were close and had a little get-together at Kirstie's house.

Mitch video chatted Scott during the countdown. It was quite cute, actually. The blew each other's kisses over the phone.


"5 4 3 2 1" everyone counted. Mitch looks to Scott through the phone, even if he couldn't speak out the final number.

"ONE. HAPPY NEW YEAR!" They all yelled. Scott was alone on the holiday, his parents were at work again and wouldn't let him go to Kirstie's house for some odd reason.

"Mitchy!" Scott yells. "We made it to 2016 together." Mitch smiles, blowing him a kiss.

"Was that my new years kiss?" Mitch nods, a goofy grin on his face.

Flashback over

Now that his chaotic break was finished, he bad to worry about keeping his grades where they were. No more letting them slip. He knew the consequences now.

"Mitch!" Someone yells through the hall. He turns around to be greeted by a tall, blonde boy. "We barely hung out over break. How are you?" Mitch shoots him a thumbs up with a smile.

"How is Scott?" Alex asks. Mitch gives his best impression of heart eyes, something Scott new how to do very well. "That's good." He says.

Mitch and Alex go there own ways, each going to different classes. He hated science. He was absolutely horrible at it. He never could understand it. It was way to complicated for his mind to comprehend.

He entered his class after seeing Scott in the hall and giving him a giant hug. His teacher allows them to have a day to talk and go on there phones, surprisingly. Mitch didn't expect this from his teacher, but he wasn't one to argue.

He could already see multiple texts from Scott. He always texted him during class. Mitch didn't get his phone out. He never wanted it to get taken. Scott was good at sneaking it.

Scott: Meet me in the bathroom?

Mitch: Duh

Mitch gets a hall pass signed and quickly walks over to the men's room, not shocked when Scott is waiting in there for him.

Mitch squeals something resembling a little girl, and runs into Scott's arm.

"Hey, baby." Scott mumbles into Mitch hair. Mitch pulls back and plants a kiss on Scott's lips, pulling away with the "mwah" sound. Scott chuckles and grabs Mitch's hand, messing with his fingers.

"You painted them?" Mitch nods, looking down at the dark shade of red on his fingernails. "It's cute. I like them." Mitch smiles at him, getting on his tippy toes and kissing Scott's nose.

Scott found it cute when Mitch couldn't reach him. When he had to tilt his head down or bend his knees to be at the same height, it made Scott giggle and smile.

Mitch wanted to speak. He wanted to try, at least. He clears his throat, opening his mouth and attempting to make some words come out.

"I-..I wa-m...wand to t..al-alk." Scott had trouble processing what he was trying to say. He spins his finger around, signaling did Mitch to try again.

"I." He points at himself. "wont to t-...a-al..k"

"You want to talk? I want you to as well. That was good, Mitchy. You should try to talk more." Mitch looks down and shakes his head. If he tried to hard, he'd get frustrated with himself. He'd be embarrassed. That's the last thing he wanted to feel in front of Scott.



"Hello, Mitch." Mrs. Carmichael says.

"Hi." He says. She wanted him to at least attempt to have a conversation with her, to see how far he could get without getting too frustrated with himself.

"Can I ask you some questions?"

"Sure." Mitch really was improving. He wanted to talk more than anything. He started taking others speech into consideration. Things they said, he would slow them down and try them for himself. It was really helping him. It was becoming a lot easier for him to be able to answer.

"How is school?"

"Good. Four A's." He says rather slowly. He could definitely talk. He could say sentences and stuff, but he was too embarrassed to do it in front of anyone. That's why he resorted to his notebook. He had the potential of talking, but decided not to. He thought he was too stuttery.

"That's good. Any boy you like?"

"Yes." She raises one of her eyebrows.

"Can you say his name yet?" Mitch shakes his head. "Write it down." Mitch writes down a name: Scott. She smiles. "S-C-O-T-T." She says, emphasizing each letter.

"Ske-Scu...Sc." Mitch takes a deep breath. "Scoc-scu." Mitch shakes his head. "I c-can't."

"You can. You don't have to learn it today. We can save it for another." Mitch nods. "So what do you like about this boy?"

"Sweet. Cute. Really s-suppo...rtive." Mitch starts.

"Mitch, your speech has been so good lately. You barely even stuttered! The beginning of it was flawless. No mess-ups or anything." Mitch smiles.


"You should start talking more in front of people. It will help you and make them happy. If you keep talking more frequently, then it will become more fluent to you."

"C-can't. Sorry."

"Why not?"




"It wouldn't be embarrassing. I meant talking in front of your close friends and your parents. That's it."

"Okay. M-may..be."

"Take it into consideration. That's a good word. Consideration. Maybe you could learn that one soon?"

"Not n-now." The timer buzzes, indicating the end of the session.

"Today was a very good day. I'm really proud of you, Mitch. You should be proud of yourself too."

"Thanks." She gives Mitch a hug before having him go upstairs so she can talk to his parents.

He was very happy with himself. He was finally able to start talking. It had been so long, and Mitch was getting there.

Silent (Scomiche)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora